Softhread Announces Successful Completion of a Pilot with the MDEpiNet Coordinating Center at Weill Cornell Medicine

Demonstrating integration of the Chios™ platform with the High-Performance Integrated Virtual Environment, a distributed computing environment used for healthcare and biological research

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We are pleased to announce the results of a successful collaboration between MDEpinet-HIVE and Softhread Inc. on a demonstration pilot to highlight the technical feasibility of integrating the Chios™ blockchain platform with the High-performance Integrated Virtual Environment (HIVE), which was conducted in partnership with HIVE system owners. The ecosystem has been built using High-performance Integrated Virtual Environment (HIVE) as provided by DNAHIVE and Blockchain data provenance and smart contract-driven permissioning system as provided by Softhread. The pilot was completed and demoed to the 2021 Temporomandibular Joint Coordinated Registry Network to showcase the first implementation of a patient-driven data registry ecosystem for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders.

“We are thrilled to be part of the MDEpiNet technology vision plan and to work with Softhread technology team on such foundational set of projects that will have a major impact on the way data-driven healthcare is conducted in the future. There is simply no other technology alternative to conducting complex analytics with such a sensitive dataset,” said DNAHIVE’s Chief Scientist Dr. Vahan Simonyan.

“We are extremely pleased to have demonstrated several of the core capabilities of our Chios™ platform during this pilot, such as pre-built, privacy-preserving smart contracts, advanced access control overlays, support for the publish/subscribe messaging pattern, and integration with off-chain, confidentiality-preserving machine learning models,” said Dr. Yelena Yesha, Co-Founder, and Chairwoman of Softhread.

This project is only the first step in highlighting the broader opportunities in leveraging and deploying the capabilities of our technology solutions that would address major pain points in the healthcare and life-sciences industries, as well as become the foundation for Precision Medicine regulatory and compliance efforts.

HIVE is a distributed computing environment used for healthcare technology and biological research. MDEpiNet-HIVE is a technology that provides a secure healthcare biomedical data archival ecosystem. MDEpiNet-HIVE maintains a standardization and harmonization framework, high-performance analytics, and an integrator platform. In addition to the initial HIVE applications to next-generation sequencing, the current universe of HIVE projects covers tailor-made applications involving dimensionality analysis, federated and integrated data mapping, modeling and simulations that apply to basic research, biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical studies, post-market evaluation, manufacturing consistency, environmental metagenomics, outbreak detection, etc.

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