5 Of The Most Rewarding Jobs In Care

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Jobs In Care

Care can be one of the most rewarding careers you will ever have. Helping others, keeping people safe and well, and enabling your community to live a healthier life are only some of the ways in which you can make a difference with a career in care. If you know you want to be part of the field, but are unsure which career path to take, we’ve rounded up some of the most rewarding jobs out there that will leave you feeling satisfied that you are doing something worthwhile. Check them out below!

1. Paramedic

Always the first on a scene, a paramedic can literally make the difference between a patient’s life or death. If you are not afraid of sometimes devastating accident scenes and can stay cool, calm, and collected in the face of a crisis then you may make a great paramedic. By studying one of these paramedic degree courses, you’ll learn how to handle the job, treat patients and ultimately save lives.

2. Care Support Worker

If you’d like to help people but don’t necessarily have the grades or funds to hit college, a care support role may be for you. You can either work as a visiting or live-in carer for one person, or visit multiple individuals in one day through an agency. If you would prefer, you can work in a residential care home and care for several people in one place. Elderly care is the most common type of work, however, there are also people with disabilities that also need help so you can choose which type of group you would rather care for. You can make the life of someone far more enjoyable, easier, and less lonely.

3. Social Worker

Social workers can make a huge difference in people’s lives. Whether you’d like to be a healthcare social worker, child welfare social worker, or substance misuse social worker, you will have the potential to change the course of someone’s future in a positive way. You will need to attend university or college to gain a degree in social care, once you’re there you will be able to choose which specialist department you wish to focus on once you leave.

4. Specialty Or Niche Therapist

While therapy is rapidly growing to be more mainstream, specialty therapies are also becoming more popular. While you will need a degree to become a therapist, you can also combine traditional therapy with another interest you hold such as creative therapy. Some sought-after alternative therapies include art therapy, dance therapy, and writing therapy. Becoming a therapist, no matter what medium, can be hugely satisfying as you will be improving someone’s mental wellbeing.

5. Midwife

Being a midwife can be incredibly rewarding. Helping to bring new life into this world and getting to be a part of a mother’s journey is life-changing and you will know that you are having a positive impact on the world.

Do you work in care? Let us know what your role is and what you love about it!

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