PhenQ Reviews 2023 (Fake or Legit) Diet Pills Really Work? What Customers Have to Say!

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Medical Device News Magazine provides breaking medical device / biotechnology news. Our subscribers include medical specialists, device industry executives, investors, and other allied health professionals, as well as patients who are interested in researching various medical devices. We hope you find value in our easy-to-read publication and its overall objectives! Medical Device News Magazine is a division of PTM Healthcare Marketing, Inc. Pauline T. Mayer is the managing editor.

PhenQ is a potent weight loss supplement that is making waves in the fitness industry. It is an effective fat burner that performs well across the board. While it’s most popular among people trying to lose weight, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle also love it.

According to the official website, PhenQ is a supplement made to aid in weight loss. It helps the body in burning fat and even blocks the development of new fat. It is currently available at a promotional discounted price for a limited time.

(EXCLUSIVE PROMO DEAL) Click Here Buy PhenQ Diet Pills at a Discounted Price and Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat

PhenQ Reviews

Many people aspire to lose weight for numerous reasons. Be it fitting in their favorite dress, improving overall confidence or meeting their fitness goals, it’s clear that weight loss is a popular topic of discussion amongst all kinds of people.  Everyone wants to lose weight quickly and without extensive effort which is why there’s a constant influx of diet fads, pills and weight loss gimmicks that claim to help you with the process.

Unfortunately, most of these products are nothing but a well marketed scam. They are either ineffective, overpriced or pose danger to health. That being said, it can be hard to navigate authentic products from counterfeit scams. Currently trending in the market is a weight loss supplement known as PhenQ. These waist trimming pills are taking over by the storm. One quick search on the internet and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Not only does PhenQ have so many customers rooting for its effectiveness but it is also a supplement of choice for professional body trainers and muscle builders. It is a fast, safe and effective product that claims to melt stubborn fat and keep it away. It’s also been the last resort for many people’s weight loss concerns. So we are compelled to ask- Are these reviews really trustable or is PhenQ another market scam? What makes PhenQ so different and why do so many people swear by it? Read our detailed PhenQ review to find out.

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What are PhenQ Diet Pills?

PhenQ’s diet pills consist of an all new formula that is crafted to cut fat right from the root where it begins to accumulate. It is a unique blend of all natural ingredients that target the body’s fuel burning system and the appetite center in the brain.

In other words, not only does PhenQ help burn the calories you’ve stocked up but it also restricts you from putting any more by tricking you into thinking that you’re full. This innovative supplement also regulates the blood sugar levels of the body which is the main culprit behind those nasty cravings that keep deviating you from your weight loss goals.

Apart from the fat burn, PhenQ has also been reported to leave users feeling highly energetic and motivated after regular use. This is a great benefit for many as losing weight tends to cause fatigue and lethargy in the body which can cause one to binge eat and ruin the progress.

Additionally, improved mood and levels of energy can be a great recipe for success in the gym. When users feel more active they’re more likely to take a further step and perform those tedious workouts. Ideally, this will only accelerate the process and you’ll be on your way to those sexy curves.

Another reason why the PhenQ diet is such a customer favorite is because of its all natural composition. Unlike traditional supplements which are loaded with chemicals and toxins, PhenQ makes use of organic substances that are normally found in human diets. Being devoid of all toxic chemicals enhances the safety profile of PhenQ making it suitable and effective for anyone who uses it.

PhenQ Customer Reviews: “What Are Customers Saying About PhenQ Diet Pills? Are These Guaranteed to Work? Read This Report First”

How does PhenQ work?

PhenQ’s approach to weight loss is based on five different aspects. Each ingredient works in synergism to produce the following effects:-

  • Burn Fat
  • Reducing Fat collection
  • Reducing cravings
  • Improving energy
  • Mood regulation

By targeting weight from five different angles, this thermogenic supplement has helped thousands of people lose weight and feel confident in their skin. This multistep approach is none like any other pill that has come across the market. Here’s a rough breakdown on how PhenQ achieves fast weight loss using its five principles:-

1. Fat Burning

PhenQ utilizes the process of thermogenesis to aid fat burning in the body. To simply put it, the formula targets the fuel burning switch of the body which increases the amount of heat emitted. Our bodies break down food to release energy. When complex molecules are cut down into simpler ones there’s also a considerable amount of heat loss that comes to play.

The greater the heat loss, the greater the rate of caloric burn (see alpilean). People born with a faster rate of metabolism essentially emit more heat and burn more calories unit time, even when they’re resting. This is one of the main reasons why PhenQ helps you achieve such speedy fat loss.

2. Stopping Fat from Accumulating

Our body stores excess energy as fat. This is the hard to get rid of soft tissue that masks your sculpted physique. Fat comes in many forms, not only is it unappealing but it can also be particularly dangerous if it’s around the tummy region.

Eating a healthy diet and regularly exercising can help counteract the fat stores although this is a gradual process and can be time consuming. It is easier to burn the calories consumed than the calories stored, but this is not the case with PhenQ.

The capsaicinoids found in the formula have been proven highly effective in terms of reducing the fat stores in the body and even stopping their growth. This can even target the dangerous kind of visceral fat that has been associated with many lethal health disorders.

3. Stopping Cravings

Perhaps one of the hardest parts of losing weight is the sugar cravings that come along with it. Cravings happen as a result of decreased nutrition in the body. Your brain thinks you’re running out of fuel so it compensates by increasing the production of hormones like leptin which make you hungry.

And as obvious as it is, these cravings are particularly oriented towards sugary foods. Along with hormones, craving also happens as a result of disordered blood sugar levels that are managed by insulin. PhenQ’s innovative formula also takes care of this by improving the body’s response to insulin thereby reducing those nasty cravings and helping you feel full after a meal.

4. Boosting Energy Levels

Another drastic side effect of losing weight is the reduced energy levels. Clearly put it your body is not used to such little food input so when you’re on a restricted calorie intake, doing everyday activities may easily put you in for fatigue and brain fog. Reduced energy levels make you less motivated to accomplish your goals.

Moreover, being unproductive seriously affects your day to day life too. Fortunately, PhenQ combats the problem by using high potency ingredients like caffeine and capsimax powder which keep your energy levels up to the mark. In turn, you feel rejuvenated to accomplish your weight loss goals and you’re more likely to stick to the progress.

5. Mood Regulation

Losing weight does not only put a physical strain on the body but it can also leave you with decreased cognitive response and lower levels of alertness. Our brains are designed in a way where they are highly dependent on glucose for energy.  Even a small drop in percentage glucose can drastically decrease the attention span and  make you more irritable.

Feeling moody and angry can often lead to crashes in your journey. It can also increase cravings for processed and sugary foods. Thankfully, PhenQ’s formula helps counteract this issue by infusing l-carnitine, a substance proven to keep the brain healthy, alert and functioning. A healthy brain can regulate its emotions better leaving you more motivated to stick to your journey.

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PhenQ Ingredients

PhenQ consists of a powerful blend of ingredients that boost thermogenesis and the rate of metabolism in the body. provides a layout of the main ingredients and how each component helps users achieve desired results. The formulation consists of caffeine, chromium picolinate, nopal, L carnitine fumarate and capsimax along with other minor ingredients like calcium. Together these ingredients counteract stubborn fat through a five angle approach.

Let’s take a look at how so:-

1. α Lacys Reset

The main ingredient behind PehnQ’s magic got to be attributed to α Lacys reset. This potent ingredient is not one separate entity but rather it is a mix of several fat destroying components. The α Lacys reset is made up of alpha lipoic acid and cystine.

These ingredients, among others, provide the supplement with its thermogenic abilities that boost the metabolism for greater energy release. Moreover, alpha lipoic acid is also known for its antioxidant function that protects the organs from free radical damage and it has also been evidenced to play a role in suppressing appetite.

A placebo controlled study was conducted by the makers of PhenQ. In the study it was shown that subjects who took α Lacys Reset were found to have a greater rate of fat burn and energy than those who did not. A plotted graph also showed that participants that took α Lacys reset were also found to have:

  • 8% elevated muscle mass
  • 44% decrease body weight
  • 24% drop in fat stores

2. Capsimax Powder

Another potent ingredient in the formulation is Capsimax powder. This, too, serves its purpose in the formulation as a thermogenic component. Capsimax majorly contains capsaicinoids, the compound popularly found in chili peppers and jalapenos.

Studies have shown that these capsaicinoids can help alleviate metabolism and also cut appetite which helps in fast weight loss. Furthermore, these compounds also carry anti-inflammatory benefits which can be helpful in protecting and healing the gut. It is well known that over consumption of these spicy compounds may lead to digestive issues and irritability of the gut lining. However, PhenQ’s blend has regulated the quantity of capsimax to make the product digestion friendly.

3. Chromium Picolinate

Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral that is required in the body for normal function and metabolism. Since it is a mineral, it is found in small concentrations which can make it easy to miss out on. Many weight loss formulations include chromium and its compounds as it has been proven to reduce cravings associated with starchy and sugary foods.  It acts on the appetite center to regulate the hormones associated with cravings and dips in blood sugar levels. This will help you avoid those awful cravings that keep putting you in the start line.

4. Caffeine

Among all central nervous system stimulants caffeine is one of the most well known and widely consumed ones. It triggers the activation of the fight or flight system in the body, increases your metabolic rate, keeps you alert and helps fight off fatigue.

PhenQ utilizes an optimal concentration of caffeine in the formula. This concentration is not anything excessive so you can be sure that the caffeine will get its job without leaving you addicted. Caffeine primarily fights off the brain fog associated with calorie deficit and increases levels of productivity. Moreover, it also plays a minor role in pumping up the thermogenic processes that melt off the stubborn stores of fat.

5. Nopal Cactus

Nopal cactus is commonly used as an ingredient in weight loss supplements. It is a key ingredient in PhenQ for the benefits associated with its high fiber content. Fiber is an important component of human diets. It is what keeps us full for longer, helps curb cravings and keeps the gut propelling.

Furthermore, fiber has also been implicated in fat binding and eliminating. It helps in satiety and keeping stable levels of cholesterol. Healthy functioning bowels will also keep your skin glowing and your hair shining too. Fiber has also been implicated for its anti-aging properties thanks to its antioxidant function.

6. L-Carnitine

The last ingredient on the list is L-carnitine. This is a substance that helps convert fat into energy during thermogenesis. L-carnitine is widely found in foods like red meat, fruits and nuts. Not only does it boost fat loss but it is also important in improving brain and muscle function. PhenQ targets stubborn fat stores using L-carnitine. This also helps target visceral fat as well which is the root cause for many fatal health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

PhenQ Diet Pills For Sale? Where to Buy and What’s the Price

Weight loss, although tedious does not have to be an expensive process. Unlike traditional market scams that loot money and provide no real results, PhenQ is a legit fat burner and it retails at a very reasonable cost. Normally, one bottle retails at about $80 however, you can now get it for $10 cheap with the added benefit of free shipping ANYWHERE around the world.

Here’s a breakdown of the current pricing model:

  • 1 month supply (60 capsules): $69.99
  • 3 month supply (120 capsules plus 60 free): $139.99
  • 6 month supply (180 capsules plus 120 free): $209.99

PhenQ official website link to place your orders:

Each pack contains 60 capsules, two of which are to be taken everyday. The directions on PhenQ’s official site recommend taking one pill with breakfast and one with lunch to maintain routine consistency. One pack is enough to last a month provided that you take regular doses every day.

PhenQ takes roughly two to three months to show prominent results which is why they have offered amazing deals on their bulk purchases. If you visit the website and make an order within the first fifteen minutes you can even avail a 10% discount code which will cut the cost off of the total price. On each purchase of capsules you will also receive ten bonus guides which include downloadable nutrition and workout guides, diet, detox tips, recipes and lots more exciting fitness guides.

PhenQ Refund Policy:

The makers of PhenQ understand that customers are hesitant to spend their hard earned money over supplements. Consumers may be afraid that the pills may not yield results or may cause adverse reactions. With all the scams and gimmicks sold around, it may be challenging to trust PhenQ.

Nevertheless, the manufacturers of PhenQ believe in 100% customer satisfaction which is why they have introduced a 60 day money back guarantee policy. According to the policy every verified purchase of PhenQ is refundable as long as it is refunded in sixty days. That means you can purchase PhenQ and try it for two whole months before you decide that the product is not for you.

In case you find PhenQ to be ineffective or you experience a reaction of some sort you can apply for a refund. Go ahead, call the helpline or send in an email to the support team. You can also chat with customer support on the official website. At the time of the refund you will have to hand the empty or partially used bottles and you’d be given your refund with no questions asked.

However, there are some things you need to keep in mind to make sure you are applicable for the refund. Firstly, remember to keep the purchase receipt of your pills in a safe place so you can use it as evidence for the date of purchase. Make sure the date is clearly visible and not scratched or scribbled off.

Secondly, be mindful of the fact that only PhenQ supplements bought from the official website are applicable for a full refund. Purchases from Amazon or Ebay will not be entertained as they don’t count as a verified purchase. In addition to that, third party purchases are discouraged as they are likely to be counterfeit too so make sure you buy PhenQ diet pills from the official website only.

PhenqQ Reviews Final Verdict – Is it Worth Buying?

Losing weight can be challenging for many people. Not everyone has the right resources or knowledge on how to properly manage weight and even if they do it can be easy to lose motivation and fall off the track. Even with maximal efforts, it can be hard to reach your fitness goals and stay on it. Let alone if you have a health problem, weight loss can even be a bigger hassle.

To help overcome this problem, natural supplements like PhenQ have been introduced in the market. These pills are 100% safe, backed by latest research and have been proven effective in over thousands of customers. It is safe to say that PhenQ is taking over the weight loss market- and for a good reason.

This unique formula targets stubborn fat using a five angle approach. It contains all natural ingredients which give it an impressive safety profile. Along with its dynamic approach the formula comes at a very affordable price. You also get the added benefit of the 60 day money back guarantee so you can try the product free without the fear of wasting your hard earned cash. Given all these benefits, there is really no reason you should not get your hands on PhenQ. So what are you waiting for? Take the initiative, make your first purchase today before supplies run out!

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PhenQ Real Reviews

PhenQ Real Reviews: Frequently Asked Questions

How many PhenQ bottles should I buy?

If you’re someone who wishes to lose 10 to 20 lbs of weight, we strongly recommend the three-month supply pack of PhenQ. This economical deal is the most popular deal for first-time customers as well. On purchasing two bottles of PhenQ you receive one bottle completely free of cost!

This deal is surely a bang for the buck as it gives you enough capsules to experiment and see if PhenQ works for you or not. And, it’s not a huge rip off either. In case you find that PhenQ doesn’t suit your needs, you can always opt for a refund within 60 days.

On the other hand, if you are someone that wishes to lose more than 30 lbs of weight and would like to ensure that it is kept off of your body, a six-month supply pack may be more suited to your needs. In this promotional deal, you pay the price for three bottles and get two absolutely free of cost.

The best part about all these value packs is that everything is shipped to you with zero shipping cost. More importantly, this deal is not just limited to deliveries within the US. PhenQ currently delivers all across the world, so you can avail your trusty bottles anywhere in the world free of heavy shipping costs provided your purchase is of $60!

Why is PhenQ unlike any other supplement?

PhenQ’s weight loss supplements are manufactured by Wolfson Berg Ltd. This is a UK based company that holds over 15 years’ worth of experience in the supply of fitness supplements. The chain has numerous popular supplements so it’s safe to say that the suppliers really know what they’re dealing with.

Every ingredient in PhenQ diet pills is backed by clinical research and data. The formula is backed by high yield studies and the sources are outlined on You can also find the composition label too which enlists every ingredient in the product- something that a lot of off-brand products do not endorse.

There’s over thousands of testimonials that you can find talking about the effectiveness of the product. Many consumers with metabolic disorders have used PhenQ as a last resort, they have found the supplement to be extremely helpful to their slimming journey.

Another key point worth mentioning is that the product has undergone numerous trails before coming into the market. There have been controlled experiments to determine the efficacy of PhenQ and there’s been a significant fat burn in each of the subjects.Its natural ingredients render a strong safety profile with no prominent side effects reported as such.

We’d also like to mention that PhenQ is currently not FDA approved. While this is something that may put off many consumers. It’s worth noting that an FDA approval does not hold any significant value for assessing food supplements. Primarily, it is a regulating authority that approves medication/drugs on the basis of their benefits over their risks. It does not guarantee the safety of a product.

Having said that, PhenQ is not a medication. Its effectiveness and safety profile are verified by the makers. PhenQ is manufactured under the most sterile of conditions and under good practices, guaranteeing that it is 100% safe for consumption.

Is PhenQ safe for me?

PhenQ prides itself in being an all natural, no chemical, steroid and addiction free blend. It is 100% safe and suitable for all. Even vegans can consume PhenQ as there’s no animal fat or content in the formula. Both men and women can use PhenQ and there’s no particular need to adjust dosages for either gender. There are no prominent side effects reported so far as long as you are taking the correct doses. Taking more than the required amount may result in symptoms like nausea, headache, diarrhea or vomiting.

You are advised to take caution in case you’re thinking of consuming PhenQ while suffering from a health disorder. Talk to your doctor to see if PhenQ is safe for you. In case you’re taking medications for any health problem, speak to your health care provider to make sure there is no drug interaction before starting the regime.

How much weight can I lose with PhenQ diet pills?

There is no hard and fast rule to how much weight you can lose with these supplements, only that, you certainly will. Weight loss is a complex process and it depends on a number of factors like your current weight, your metabolism, diet, activity levels etc. Hence, there’s no set number of pounds one can lose with PhenQ.

That being said, the manufacturers of PhenQ do promise that the pill helps you lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate. To achieve the most of your supplements we recommend taking the pill regularly and combining diet and exercise too. Even after you’ve achieved your goal weight, it’s advised to stay on the supplement to keep the weight off.

How reliable is PhenQ fat burner?

As per, there are over 192,000 customers that testify to PehnQ’s potency. Not only will you find these happy reviews on the official website but you can also find them on other websites- not sponsored by PhenQ. It is of no surprise that PhenQ is extremely popular as of today’s day and age. One online search brings in thousands of testimonials. Clearly, PhenQ is in high demand because of how effective it has been for many people.

What should I bear in mind when taking PhenQ?

PhenQ is supposed to be taken two times a day. The best timing for this is in the morning with breakfast and in the afternoon with lunch. It is not advised to take PhenQ after 3pm as the formula contains caffeine which can distort your sleep cycles. The same is the case with taking the pill before bed.

Also, if you’re someone that is an avid coffee drinker you may feel hyperactive or jittery when taking PhenQ supplements. You may also experience diarrhea or stomach discomfort. In order to avoid these unpleasant symptoms, it is advised that you cut down your daily coffee intake when taking PhenQ.

Can pregnant women take PhenQ?

PhenQ is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating females. Moreover, those below the age of 18 should also avoid taking the formula. However, if you’re taking oral contraceptives you can consume PhenQ with your contraceptives, as such there are no reports for cross interaction between the two.

Where can I buy PhenQ?

As of now PhenQ only retails at its official website. No third party vendors or websites are approved for the product. Even if you find PhenQ online it is likely a counterfeit scam. You can make a purchase using your Visa, MasterCard or Skrill payment.

Does PhenQ contain Phentermine?

Phentermine is a popular prescription drug available to help with weight loss. It cannot be bought over the counter and you need an actual doctor’s prescription to be able to buy it. Phentermine is an appetite suppressor, it acts on the brain’s food center and makes you believe that you are already full. Like any other prescription drug Phentermine comes with hefty side effects of its own. Contrary to popular rumor, PhenQ diet pills do not contain Phentermine although it does attempt to mimic its weight loss benefits. Having said that, PhenQ has no side effects of its own, it is a great over the counter alternative to Phentermine.

PhenQ official website for order placement: Click here to visit 

*This post is provided by an advertiser. Any views expressed herein do not represent the views of Medical Device News Magazine. Statements made in the article are not meant to offer medical advice or to diagnose any condition. Individual results may vary.


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