The Best Apps to Help You Manage Your Health

Best Health Apps to Download

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Medical Device News Magazine
Medical Device News Magazine provides breaking medical device / biotechnology news. Our subscribers include medical specialists, device industry executives, investors, and other allied health professionals, as well as patients who are interested in researching various medical devices. We hope you find value in our easy-to-read publication and its overall objectives! Medical Device News Magazine is a division of PTM Healthcare Marketing, Inc. Pauline T. Mayer is the managing editor.

These days, you can do pretty much anything online from chatting with your friends to running your business, finding that perfect mate, but did you know that extends to taking better care of your health too.

Right now there are over 318,000 health apps available for download on your smartphone or mobile device, but which ones are worth your time? We can’t cover them all. Of course, but here are, what we think are, some of the best apps to help you manage your health right now:

Apple COVID-19

The Apple COVID-19 app furnishes users with all of the information they need about the current coronavirus situation. It is also parked with recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control with the aim of encouraging users to stay as healthy as possible. The apps will let you know what your risk factor is, how to get tested and what you can do to stay safe out there and it is completely free on Apple devices.


Our mental health is so important for our general wellbeing, and good therapists can really help us to get to the bottom of our issues and start improving our mental health. However, many of us, for whatever reason, cannot get to see a therapist in person. That’s where BetterHelp comes in.

Health App The Best Ones

BetterHelp allows you to access the help of professional therapists for your issues via their mobile app or your computer. You can text or arrange phone calls with your therapist depending on your preference, and you can even choose from a wide range of mental health professionals so that you always get the person you feel most comfortable with.

Oxford Medical Dictionary

When it comes to managing your health, knowledge is power, which is why everyone should have a medical dictionary with a good dictionary API on their smartphone. The Oxford Medical Dictionary is arguably one of, if not the best. Not only is it comprehensive, but it is easy to use, and will help you to quickly look up various symptoms or find out more about your condition(s) whenever you need to do so. Obviously, it’s no substitute for your doctor, but it’s a great resource to find additional information.


Healthlynked is a very useful medical app that enables you to create a patient profile that users can access their medical records from, as well as enabling them to find nearby health service providers. It is easy to use.  All you need to do is upload your medical data and no longer will you need to fill out long medical histories every time you see a new doctor or health professional – you can simply let them access this digital record for all the information they may need to treat you effectively.


Teledoc is a bit like BetterHelp except you can use it for any and all medical issues you may be experiencing. When you use the app, you will be connected with a qualified physician who can diagnose and prescribe you any medication you may need, you can even use your insurance to pay for the service in many cases and it makes accessing a doctor really convenient.

Have these easy-to-download apps in your pocket, and managing your health will be so much easier.


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