Home MARKET REPORTS Global Biotech Investment Report 2024 – Big Biopharma Companies Disruptive Technologies and Portfolio Realignment Will Ensure the Growth Potential of Biotech Investments

Global Biotech Investment Report 2024 – Big Biopharma Companies Disruptive Technologies and Portfolio Realignment Will Ensure the Growth Potential of Biotech Investments

Biotech Investment Report

In this analysis, the biotech investment report provides critical insights into the biotech M&A and venture capital (VC) investment, highlighting the drivers, challenges, predictions, and major trends in the biotech segment. This analysis also identifies actionable growth opportunities for industry participants to leverage.

To understand the trend outlook for 2024 and beyond, this analysis assesses strategic and financial investments, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), VC investments, and private equity (PE) from 2019 to 2023. The analyst has gathered the total numbers for the entire ecosystem. The scope of this analysis is global, with 2023 as its base year, and includes forecasts up to 2028.

Featured Companies:

  • Alexandria
  • ARCH Ventures
  • Google Ventures
  • OrbiMed
  • RA Capital
  • SamsaraBio Capital

Key Topics Covered:

Growth Generator

  • Growth Drivers
  • Growth Restraints
  • The State of the Biotech Industry – Biologics Pipeline
  • State of the Biotech Industry – Biologics Industry Outlook
  • Biotech M&A Investment Outlook – 2024
  • Biotech VC Investment Outlook – 2024
  • Top 3 Predictions – 2024
  • Top 3 Big Pharma Investment Strategies for Portfolio Remodeling
    • Emerging Biotech Companies Top Trends – Impact Summary
    • New Modalities Driving Precision Medicine Will Remain Attractive
    • Investors Prioritizing Cardiometabolism, Oncology, CNS, and Immunology

Growth Generator: Biotech M&A

  • Biotech M&A Trends
  • Big Biopharma M&A Activity
  • Biotech M&A Analysis by Therapeutic Segment
  • Biotech M&A Analysis by Modality
  • Key Biopharma M&A Targets 2024

Growth Generator: Biotech VC Investment

  • Biotech VC Financing Trend
  • Top VC Financing Deals
  • Biotech VC Deal Analysis by Funding Stage
  • Biotech VC Deal Analysis by Therapeutic Segment
  • Biotech VC Deal Analysis by Modality
  • Biotech VC Deal Analysis by Stage of Clinical Development

Companies to Action

  • Google Ventures (United States)
  • ARCH Ventures (United States)
  • RA Capital (United States)
  • SamsaraBio Capital (United States)
  • OrbiMed (United States)
  • Alexandria (United States)

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Acquiring Rare Disease-focused Biopharma Companies
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Investing in Precision Medicine Platform Technology-based Biotech Companies
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Investing in Clinical-stage Chinese Biopharma Companies

Best Practices Recognition

Company Innovation & Growth Index Radar

For more information about this report visit here.

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