Lumenis Launches MOSES™ HoLEP University to Help Urologists Master the Gold-Standard Laser Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

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Lumenis, the world’s largest energy-based medical device company for surgical, aesthetic and ophthalmic applications, today announced the launch of a comprehensive global educational platform called MOSES HoLEP University that will enable urologists to offer their patients holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) with MOSES, the gold-standard treatment for enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH).

By making HoLEP training available to any urologist at any time, the program will fill an educational gap. While interest in the procedure is expanding by 8% to 12% per year,1 opportunities for training remain limited due to restricted hospital foot traffic and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.2

Lumenis responded to this demand for HoLEP education by joining forces with world-renowned physicians and BPH specialists Dr. Amy Krambeck of Northwestern Medicine and Dr. Tim Large of Indiana University Health. With help from Dr. Large, Dr. Krambeck will lead a one-of-a-kind opportunity for surgeons to master HoLEP through MOSES HoLEP University, an online, on-demand, module-based educational platform. Surgeons will observe a HoLEP procedure step by step, allowing them to achieve a full understanding of the technique. Training will be free to Lumenis customers using MOSES laser technology, winner of the prestigious Silver 2021 Medical Design Excellence Award in Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Devices.

“MOSES HoLEP University was designed to facilitate more comprehensive learning with a faster learning curve,”3 said Dr. Krambeck. “Training will support urologists’ ability to effectively and efficiently perform HoLEP in men with BPH, regardless of their prostate size4 or history of taking blood thinners.”5

Accessed on demand, MOSES HoLEP University’s 14 modules explain how to perform different HoLEP techniques, including morcellation strategies, as well as how to set up a HoLEP practice, troubleshoot, and manage patient follow-up and concerns. In addition, trainees are invited to attend a MOSES Mastery course for hands-on lab and simulation experience. Following completion of MOSES HoLEP University, physicians can become adept at the HoLEP technique after 20 to 30 supervised procedures.6 In the future, each participant will be assigned a HoLEP mentor who can assist remotely with challenges.

HoLEP is a trusted procedure that has been improved by Lumenis MOSES technology. The Lumenis Pulse 120H laser with MOSES 2.0 technology shortens HoLEP procedure time by 20%, increases the rate of enucleation efficiency by 67%, and minimizes bleeding by 30%.7 As a result, more than 90% of patients can go home the same day, catheter-free,8 and only 0.7% of patients need retreatment in the next 10 years.9 MOSES has won multiple awards as a groundbreaking medical technology that is changing patient care.

“We are extremely proud to introduce this first-of-its-kind educational opportunity for surgeons who want to learn HoLEP with our breakthrough MOSES laser technology,” said Lumenis CEO Tzipi Ozer-Armon. “With unparalleled mentorship from recognized experts, MOSES HoLEP University will help surgeons satisfy patient demand for this important treatment, provide superior clinical outcomes, and elevate their practices.”


1. IQVIA™ Hospital Procedures & Diagnosis US claims data coverage 2017-2019 (inpatient & outpatient).

2. Adopting Gold-Standard Procedures During COVID-19 – Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare (

3. Krambeck AE, Large T. Urology. 2020;136:196-201.

4. Elzayat EA, et al. Urology. 2005;66(5):108-113.

5. The HoLEP Procedure – Advanced Urology Institute – (

6. El-Hakim A., et al. BJU Int. 2002;90(9):863-9.

7. Kavoussi NL, et al. J Urol. 2021;206(1):104-108.8. Agarwal DK, et al. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Jan 4.

8. Agarwal DK, et al. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Jan 4.

9. Elmansy HM, et al. J Urol. 2011;186(5):1972-1976.

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