Home IMAGING MolecuLight i:X ® Upgrade Enables Faster, More Accurate Digital Wound Measurement

MolecuLight i:X ® Upgrade Enables Faster, More Accurate Digital Wound Measurement

MolecuLight i:X digital wound measurement new upgrade feature enables clinicians to more accurately and quickly capture digital wound area measurement.

Specifically, clinicians can now reliably detect more complex wound borders using the i:X‘s Auto Mode feature and can also now input a depth measurement.

“We and others have shown that standard of care length by width wound area measurements overestimate wound area measurements by more than 30%1, which is unacceptable for tracking wound progress over time,” says Danielle Dunham, Product Manager for the MolecuLight i:X platform. “With the upgrade to MolecuLight’s wound measurement feature, the device combines precise wound measurement with advanced fluorescence imaging for more accurate detection of wounds containing bacteria. This empowers clinicians with more information at the point of care for a more comprehensive wound assessment.”

Clinicians rely on accurate wound measurements to determine whether wounds are progressing and to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment plan. The current standard of care involving manually measuring the length and width of wounds with a ruler leads to highly subjective, inaccurate measurements. The upgrade allows clinicians to quickly and precisely detect wound borders using MolecuLight i:X‘s Auto Mode and measure wounds with greater than 95 % accuracy and with more consistency in measurements captured by different clinicians1 than manual measurement.

Using the MolecuLight i:X, clinicians simply capture an image of the wound with MolecuLight WoundStickers next to the wound. The Auto Mode feature is based on sophisticated algorithms to precisely detect and trace the wound border and then calculate wound surface area, length and width. A new optional depth input is also included so clinicians can document their wound measurements faster and spend more time focusing on the treatment of the patient and their wound. A video detailing the new i:X Digital Wound Measurement workflow is available here.

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