

New Quest Diagnostics Health Trends Survey Results: 3 of 4 Americans Who Believed They Needed the Test Delayed or Avoided Taking One

New Quest Diagnostics Health Trends Survey study finds that three in four Americans who believed they needed a COVID-19 test (74%) chose not to get one, or delayed getting one, primarily due to concerns about exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (30%). 

Abilitech Medical Launches Assist, Designed to Help People with Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis and Spinal Cord Injury

The Assist is the first in Abilitech’s future suite of products, which includes a powered handgrip device and a fully robotic voice-controlled arm-hand combination assistive device.

DreamWear Silicone Pillows Are Designed Using 3D Facial Scan Data to Fit Diverse Populations

DreamWear Silicone Pillows is the latest addition to Philips’ modular DreamWear platform designed to simplify set-up by offering multiple cushion options on one mask frame. 

Heraeus Nexensos Supports Vaccine Cold-chain Logistics with Temperature Sensors: Company Is Increasing Production Capacity to Meet the Demand

The company notes their platinum-based resistance temperature detectors are a perfect fit for harsh cryogenic sensing applications. Heraeus RTD sensors provide reliable and accurate temperature measurement in dry ice (-78 °C), with capability down to -200 °C. Platinum RTDs exhibit extremely low drift, even after years of service, ensuring reliable data collection for the life of the measurement device.

UVD Robots Wins EU Contract to Deploy 200 Robots in Hospitals Across Europe

UVD Robots’ tender ranked first in the European Commission’s review of numerous disinfecting robots evaluating technical excellence and maturity of technology, quality of approach in deployment, response time in technical support and maintenance, and overall value. UVD Robots are now being deployed in the first 10+ EU countries with more to follow.

Censis Technologies and Cantel Medical Enter Into Partnership

The new enhanced, co-branded software solution will combine the CANEXIS™ Integrated Workflow Solution for Endoscopy from Cantel with Censis’ CensiTrac™ surgical asset management software to create the leading instrument reprocessing and scope tracking software available to the market.

Lumin UV System for Use in Nursing Homes, Ambulatory Care and Primary Care for SARS-CoV-2 N95 Re-Use Is Granted 3B Medical Emergency Use

Alex Lucio, CEO of 3B Medical, Inc., said, "The COVID-19 global pandemic requires novel approaches and thinking outside the box. Lumin is likely the only device designed for home use that is powered high enough to repurpose for this use. We are very excited to have our device authorized by FDA for this application."

Philips to Introduce Latest Advancements In Digital Pathology at the European Congress of Pathology 2020 Virtual Event

Building on its strong portfolio to support oncology clinical decision-making, the company brings together the power of imaging, pathology, genomics, and longitudinal data with insights from artificial intelligence, to empower clinicians to deliver clear care pathways with predictable outcomes for every patient.

Signia Introduces World’s First ‘Face Mask Mode’ for Hearing Devices: Improves Audibility for Those Communicating with Someone Wearing a Face Covering & No More...

“The hearing challenges presented by face masks became obvious pretty quickly into the pandemic, so Signia developed the first-of-its-kind Face Mask Mode to help those with hearing loss better communicate in this new reality,” said Tish Ramirez, Au.D. of Signia. “When this setting is activated, the hearing aids optimally capture the sound of the speech signals, enabling the words to sound clearer and reducing any background noise to help the wearer understand what is being said.” 
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