Medical Device News Magazine, in addition to offering a comprehensive view of the latest medical device news and industry information, publishes news on topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), medical manufacturing, other services, and more.
Australia Based Rhinomed Is Developing a Nasal Swab
Rhinomed notes this new high-yielding nasal swab that can collect samples from the nose to test for the presence of upper respiratory tract diseases, including influenza and coronavirus strains.
ExplORer Surgical Launches New Remote Case Support Features, Updating Real-Time Audio, Video and Data Collection Capabilities
ExplORer Surgical points out that remote case support is increasingly critical due to COVID-19, where strict regulations limit travel and the number of personnel in the operating room.
DuPont ™ Liveo™ for Healthcare Silicone Solutions Is Introduced
Inspired by the terms “live” and “to be alive,” the new Liveo™ brand name reflects DuPont Healthcare’s drive to create next-generation, innovative solutions that can help patients live life to the fullest.
New Insights Into Younger Doctors’ Commitment to Improving Healthcare During COVID-19 According to Royal Philips Future Health Index 2020 Report
Royal Philips reports the findings reveal how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the attitudes and experiences of younger doctors, and how they believe the healthcare industry should change in response.
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Positivity Surges in Women Ages 18-30 Years, Finds Quest Diagnostics Health Trends Study
In addition to showing sharp increases in the positivity rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea, the study also found that the positivity rates of both infections shifted toward older ages over the eight-year study period.
Combinati Offers Unique Whole Product Digital PCR Testing Solution For COVID-19 Research
Combinati reports their COVID-19 solution consists of the Absolute Q system, Microfluidic Array Partitioning plates, required reagents, and the |Q| SARS-CoV-2 Triplex Assay.
Statum Systems Unveils Way to Replace Hospital Pagers
StatumHEALTH is the only solution that allows users to receive critical messages on smartphones in locations without WiFi or cell coverage, enabling medical professionals to stop carrying pagers or other specialty communication devices.
Cure App Advises Asia’s First Prescription “Digital Therapeutic” Is Approved in Japan
CureApp SC is a prescription medical device designed to aid patients who are receiving outpatient smoking cessation treatment. The device supports patients in their attempt to quit smoking in a home setting.
Aladdin-M by Topcon Launches in the US
Aladdin-M combines corneal topography, pupillometry, and optical biometry to enable objective measurement of corneal curvature, pupil dynamics, and axial length metrics.