Medical Device News Magazine, in addition to offering a comprehensive view of the latest medical device news and industry information, publishes news on topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), medical manufacturing, other services, and more.
Cure App Advises Asia’s First Prescription “Digital Therapeutic” Is Approved in Japan
CureApp SC is a prescription medical device designed to aid patients who are receiving outpatient smoking cessation treatment. The device supports patients in their attempt to quit smoking in a home setting.
Aladdin-M by Topcon Launches in the US
Aladdin-M combines corneal topography, pupillometry, and optical biometry to enable objective measurement of corneal curvature, pupil dynamics, and axial length metrics.
Hydrogel for Wound Healing – New Study Published in Polymers for Advanced Technologies Shows Potential Benefits
It is important to create an optimal physiological environment around a wound to promote the growth of new cells. Recent research has revealed that a type of material called “hydrogel” is exceptionally useful for achieving such conditions given its molecular structure.
Precipio & ADS Biotec Sign Global Distribution Agreement for IV-Cell™
Both companies recently completed the development and have fully validated a new version of its media, a next-generation improved product that will yield increased benefits over its first version.
SimonMed Announces the Integration of CorTechs Labs’ Latest AI Software for Prostate Cancer Detection
SimonMed, one of the largest outpatient medical imaging providers and largest physician radiology practices in the United States, announced its implementation of RSI-MRI+ for Prostate to support improved detection of clinically significant prostate cancer (PCa) using an advanced diffusion MRI technique.
First Successful Implant of Guardian System Reported
Dr. David Fischell, Founder and Chairman of AngelMedical Systems said, “We are excited to see that our early partnership with Jasper Capital has resulted in the world’s first commercial implant of our new flagship product, the AngelMed Guardian.
Kolabtree Reports: 56% of Freelance Scientists Are Optimistic About the Future of the Science Gig Economy According to a New Survey
A total of 542 independent scientists on Kolabtree took the survey. Respondents had been working independently for an average of 4.5 years.
CytoSorbents Partners with InvoSurg and Surgical Partners
CytoSorbents is now aggressively expanding CytoSorb availability, marketing, and sales opportunities across the U.S. to help address the current and expected future waves of COVID-19 infection in the country.
VivaLink Proudly Announces the Launch of a Multi Vital Monitoring Solution for Infectious Respiratory Diseases
The VivaLNK solution works by automatically and continuously collecting patient vitals, and wirelessly sending it to a secure on-premise server via a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) WiFi router.