Medical Device News Magazine


Amol Karnick, President & CEO of KA Imaging – 2022: A Year for Preparedness with Efficiency, Quality and Speed

Amol Karnick writes, "As we dive deep into 2022, healthcare preparedness seems to be a major topic of discussion. If there is a single thing that we can learn from the pandemic, it is that we must be ready for whatever comes next. And what is the impact for an imaging department? How can it be prepared? I would say that there are two approaches." Read what he has to say.

7 Crucial Elements Of An Infectious Disease Preparedness Plan

Infectious Disease Preparedness Plan: As a medical practitioner, are you in a position to handle infectious diseases efficiently? Read on to learn more.

Treatment for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) Shifting to Minimally Invasive Alternatives with Endometrial Ablation

One in every five women will suffer from heavy periods during their lifetime, and more than 80% of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Dr. Kelli Miller, MD, FACOG, Women First, Louisville, KY writes, "As a minimally invasive OBGYN, I’m dedicated to offering women treatment options that are non-invasive, yet most impactful for their menstrual disorders". Read what she has to say about endometrial ablation.

The Fifth Cardio-Vascular Revolution?

Artificial Intelligence and unsupervised Machine Learning and Role of the “COMENDA” physiCian, cOMputer ENgineer, DAta scientist! Prof Sherif Sultan, MD FRCS FACS Ph.D. writes, As cardiovascular specialists and key opinion leaders, we must prepare to meet the technological demands and beyond. We must develop, deliver and learn how to survive the future of technology as innovators and early adaptors and lead through the "Fifth Cardiovascular Revolution". Read more about what Professor Sultan has to say.

The Burden of Venous Leg Ulcers and Limited Health Literacy

Successful medical recovery often relies on a patient’s ability to independently manage and actively improve their own health condition. Being able to do this effectively requires an adequate level of health literacy (HL) – the ability to understand and act on healthcare advice to help oneself recover effectively. Read Bernard Ross, CEO and founder, Sky Medical Technology views.

A Conflict in the Interpretation of the Medical Device Amendments: Developing a Preemption Test for Hybrid Medical Devices

In 1976, Congress passed the Medical Device Amendments (MDA) to charge the FDA with reviewing the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. The MDA heavily regulates high-risk medical devices that are capable of supporting human life through a premarket approval process. Read what a litigation associate in BakerHostetler’s Houston office advises.

Growing Trends and Solutions for Improving Liver Health Management

Author Jon Gingrich, CEO, Echosens North America writes, "Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an asymptomatic and underdiagnosed disease that affects 37% of U.S. adults and 70% of individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the more severe form of NAFLD marked by inflammation and ballooning, can lead to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular cancer (HCC) if left untreated." Read more.

How COVID-19 Has Spurred A Shift to Broad-Spectrum Countermeasures Against Viruses

James A. Joyce writes, "On March 24, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared that the emergence of COVID-19 justified the Emergency-Use Authorization of drugs, biological products, and medical devices to combat the pandemic. Read what he has to say.

Exploring the Future of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

Pauline Dinnauer is the VP of Audiological Care at Connect Hearing, which provides industry-leading hearing loss, hearing testing, and hearing aid consultation across the US. Read what she has to say.