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Early Identification of Acute PE Identified with EarlySense Technology

Case Study Published in JAMDA and Presented at AMDA Highlights How Early Warning Indications Allow Staff to Identify Acute Changes of Condition For Preventative Action

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EarlySense, the global leader in contact-free, continuous monitoring solutions for the healthcare continuum, announced that  The Journal of Post Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (JAMDA) has published the case report Early Identification of Acute Pulmonary Emboli Through the Use of Contact-Free Continuous Patient Monitoring. The report includes findings from a case study at Hebrew Home of Riverdale by RiverSpring Health showing that skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) incorporating contact-free, continuous patient monitoring (CFCM) can potentially aid in the early identification of acute changes in patient deterioration and rapid life-threatening treatment interventions.

The clinical poster was also presented at AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine’s 2020 Annual Conference, held virtually from April 2-5 2020.

“SNFs are faced with providing care for residents with increasing clinical complexity as residents are being discharged from hospitals to post-acute care earlier, and with multiple active co-morbidities,” said poster author Dr. Zachary Palace, Medical Director at the Hebrew Home of Riverdale by RiverSpring Health. “In this case study, the Hebrew Home clinical team was able to use continuous monitoring data to be notified of an immediate change in patient condition and make informed and time-critical clinical decisions about the patient’s care.”

In the case study, an 89-year-old male patient was admitted to a SNF for post-acute care following a hospital stay for pneumonia. During his recovery, the CFCM system alerted staff regarding an abnormal respiratory rate. Staff found the patient unresponsive and immediately initiated intravenous fluid therapy. The patient remained hypotensive and was emergently transferred to a hospital where he was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary emboli. The patient successfully underwent pulmonary arteriography and catheter-directed thrombolysis, and afterward was admitted to an intensive care unit for monitoring. Once medically stable, the patient returned to the SNF, where he completed his course of skilled rehabilitation and was afterward successfully discharged home.

“EarlySense is on a global mission to raise the standard of patient care throughout the healthcare continuum via contact-free, continuous monitoring and predictive analytics,” said Matt Johnson, CEO of EarlySense. “Although continuous monitoring is not currently the standard of care in the long term and post-acute facilities, this study demonstrates its potential to play a pivotal role in providing health practitioners with the data necessary to identify acute changes of condition before they become critical.”

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