10 Tips For Getting Fit In 2023

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Most people in their lifetime will attempt diet changes or new fitness plans to help them stay healthy. And yet time after time, these plans fail. The reason can normally be pinned down to one thing – too much pressure.

If you don’t go to the gym for one week, that doesn’t mean your fitness journey is over. When we make a mistake, go back to old habits, or forget about our plans, most of us will throw in the towel and give up on our goals.

Today that stops. Let us show you how.

Create Realistic Goals

Instead of saying, you want to hit X weight in 3 months, aim for something you have control over. You have no idea how much your weight will change over that time. Even if you complete intense workouts every day for 3 months, the number on the scale might barely change.

This is because everyone carries their weight differently. Instead, make your goal tangible and in a short time scale. You could choose “I’ll go to the gym one day every week for a month”, or “I’ll run for 20 minutes every day next week”.

Choose something you can do, and put your end date in sight. This will help you stay on target.

Start Preparing Food

Getting fit isn’t just about moving your body. It’s about eating right too. Again, make small and achievable goals, but think about ways to make your food choices healthier.

Aim for a plate that is mostly vegetables, followed by protein, and lastly contains a small portion of carbohydrates. A homemade lasagne with a side salad is a great example of a healthy meal.

Keep Yourself Motivated

There will be days where you don’t want to eat healthily, or working out doesn’t match your mood. It’s okay to stray away from the plan every now and then, what matters is getting back into your routine.

Take time to figure out what motivates you. Maybe it’s your gym buddies, watching your body change, learning new recipes, or seeing yourself grow stronger. Figure out what matters to you, and use it as a motivational tool.

Start With Basic Exercises

Don’t get overwhelmed looking at the massive weight being pushed by bodybuilders. Instead, start with a basic exercise that you already know about, and go from there. This could mean riding a stationary bike, walking on a treadmill, or using free weights to lift.

Click on this link for more information on exercise routines.

Hire A Personal Trainer

Paying money is often a good motivator to do something, as you already paid the fee and might as well get your money’s worth. However, hire a personal trainer. They can help you improve faster, teach you new workout routines and keep the workout social.

Make Friends At The Gym

Speaking of socializing, try to make friends at your local gym. Having a community to talk to and bounce off can help you stay motivated even on your down days.

Use Sport To Keep The Workout Fun!

Tennis, swimming, football, soccer, cycling – these are all activities that are perfect to help keep you fit. If the idea of hitting the gym seems boring, think back to your childhood and consider the sport that interested you the most.

Make that sport your next hobby and allow exercise to naturally enter into your life.

Avoid Fitness Trackers

Unless you enjoy monitoring your steps or seeing how far you have run in a day, avoid fitness trackers. Many new starters get put off by the reminder to walk every day. Instead of feeling disappointed in yourself, allow yourself to workout on your own time.

Allow For Rest

Your body will need to rest and recover from your workouts. Hitting the gym every day will make you feel weak and will force you into an even longer recovery time. Long recovery times often lead to giving up on your fitness goal, so make sure to schedule rest.

Remember To Stretch

If you struggle walking up the stairs after a good workout the night before, you probably didn’t stretch. Stretching before and after a workout can help your body become flexible. This flexibility prevents muscle tearing and strain.

Stiffness is another reason why many people quit their workout routine. To prevent that negativity, stretch before and after the workout.


Creating a routine, holding yourself accountable, and allowing yourself to rest are the 3 main factors that keep fitness goals alive.


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