10 Vaccines That Every Adult Should Get Annually

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Although most people know that children have a regular immunization schedule, some adults don’t know there are vaccines they can get for themselves every year. Some illnesses can spread among adults that a vaccine could prevent.

Adults are exposed to various germs while traveling, at the office, or on a simple trip to the grocery store. Some of these illnesses could be life-threatening to adults, especially for someone with a weakened immune system or in a high-risk category.

People with chronic illnesses like diabetes could contract other diseases quicker than a perfectly healthy adult. For this reason, it’s even more crucial for them to look after their health.

Before scheduling any vaccinations, consult with a medical professional about the vaccines every adult should get annually:

  1. Seasonal Flu Or Influenza Vaccine

This vaccine is needed to prevent poor health, being off work, increased medical bills, and to be able to care for the family. It contains adults from severe complications from getting the flu and is crucial for older adults that already have a weakened germ-fighting ability.

Doctors recommend that adults get this vaccine annually before flu season, so their bodies are fit and ready to fight the illness alongside the vaccine’s benefits. Services are available for a professional team to administer the vaccine at the workplace like at https://www.onsitehealth.co.nz/ to make it accessible to everyone.

  1. Whooping Cough Or Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine

Yearly, people succumb to this bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system. Breathing problems and a lowered blood oxygen level are some concerns doctors have for these patients. Not everyone has had vaccines against this highly contagious disease, and adults of any age should have their immunity checked for it and get vaccinated as soon as their doctor clears it.

  1. Tetanus And Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine

Both of these illnesses could be deadly if not treated immediately. The best thing to do is to avoid getting them in the first place. The children’s vaccination schedule includes these, although doctors will recommend a booster shot every ten years, meaning adults should also get them.

Tetanus is also known as lockjaw because the bacteria cause painful muscle tightening. In contrast, diphtheria causes a coating at the back of the throat that could lead to the person not breathing correctly.

  1. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

The papillomavirus is a microorganism that transmits effortlessly between humans. Recent studies have proven that the latest vaccine against this virus could prevent some forms of cancer, including cervical, anal, and other cancers.

Pre-teens from as young as nine years of age can get the vaccine so that adults can schedule their appointments for it. It’s a reasonably new vaccine only recently developed, so not many adults are even aware of it. Any healthcare professional should be able to provide more information if needed.

  1. Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is a severe skin condition that can cause other health complications like fever, headaches, light sensitivity, and fatigue. It’s a disease that develops when the chickenpox virus reactivates in the body years after the person has had the childhood illness.

Nurses or doctors give the vaccine in two doses, and doctors recommend that every adult over fifty gets vaccinated to prevent this illness. Although it’s not a life-threatening disease, the symptoms can be uncomfortable for the person.

  1. Pneumococcal Vaccine

Some people are at higher risk for lung or respiratory tract infections, especially if they have health issues that could weaken the immune system or prevent the body from fighting off bacteria or viruses.

It’s helpful to avoid pneumonia that could potentially be life-threatening for some. Medical professionals would suggest that older persons, adults that are around a lot of children daily, or someone that’ll be around people with a higher risk of becoming ill get vaccinated for their safety as well as those they’ll be around.

  1. Hepatitis B Vaccine

Hepatitis is another highly contagious illness. Some forms of hepatitis could cause severe damage to the liver like cirrhosis or hardening of the organ. Anyone working in close contact with other people should have their immunity for the disease checked and receive their booster immunizations if needed regularly.

  1. MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) Vaccine

Many believe these are childhood illnesses, but some adults can still contract or spread them without knowing it. The vaccine schedule includes these injections for infants, but some adults may need to receive a booster or get the vaccine if they didn’t have it as a child.

Before becoming pregnant, mothers should check if they have immunity against these diseases as they could cause severe complications like deafness, development, and more in a fetus.

  1. Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine

Chickenpox is a common infection in childhood, and for the most part, doctors will treat the patient symptomatically. Usually, a person can only get chickenpox once in their lifetime, with the body creating a natural immunity to the disease once the person has had it. Unfortunately, the virus could lie dormant in the body for years and resurface later in their adult life, causing shingles. Thus, adults must check their immunity to this disease and receive the vaccination when a test reveals they need it.

  1. Meningococcal Vaccine

Meningitis is a severe illness, especially the bacterial form of the disease. Anyone who contracts the bacterial infection could have life-threatening complications. The bacteria cause inflammation around the brain, which puts pressure on it. The increased pressure on the brain could have difficulties like stopping breathing or halting the heart’s function. Adults must get these vaccinations to prevent the illness and spread thereof.

Special Precautions For Vaccines

Anyone considering getting these vaccines should always consult their doctor first. The doctor will have a history of each person’s medical issues and recommend vaccines according to this information.

If a person has any of the below, they may need more specific guidance from medical professionals before getting any of the vaccinations:

  • An allergic reaction to any vaccine before
  • A weakened immune system
  • Is pregnant
  • Has a history of seizures
  • Recent blood transfusions
  • Has tuberculosis
  • Had vaccines in the past four weeks before the consultation


Adults and children alike will benefit from having their vaccine schedule up to date. Knowing that they protect from severe illness brings peace of mind and allows a person to live a long, happy, healthy life. Consult a doctor today about the best ones to schedule for you.

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