3 Reasons Why Varicose Veins Commonly Occur in The Legs

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Varicose veins are famous for occurring more commonly in the legs than anyplace else on the body. But why are they more frequent in the legs? This post will teach you about varicose veins and help you understand the importance of getting early treatment.

Varicose veins, what are they?

Varicose veins usually have a twisted shape with reddish, blue, or purple colors. They are veins that are very visible to the naked eye; this occurs because a concentration of blood creates permanent dilatation of the veins. Due to this accumulation, the veins swell, bulge, and protrude from the skin. Any superficial vein can become a varicose vein.

Why do varicose veins form?

Veins are responsible for carrying poorly oxygenated blood back to the heart. When the vein walls weaken, the blood does not flow efficiently and becomes pooled. With aging, the veins lose their elasticity and widen, resulting in varicose veins. Although the exact cause of this deterioration is unknown, some factors make people more prone to varicose veins.

Why are varicose veins more common in the legs?

Varicose veins can occur anywhere in the body. But they are more common in the legs and feet. Here are some of the reasons why the lower body has more varicose veins:

1) Because of the anatomy of the leg veins. Veins are made up of muscles that keep the blood flowing and valves that prevent the blood from backing up. Many veins, especially leg veins, have valves that act in only one direction. This means that blood only flows in an upward direction toward the heart. When the veins weaken, the components of the valves that prevent the blood from flowing backward separate; this causes the blood to flow in the opposite direction and fills the veins more quickly. As a result, blood pools, and the vein walls enlarge, causing the veins to become varicose.

2) The legs and feet have more pressure than the rest of the body. This pressure deforms the veins and causes them to bulge, generating varicose veins. When the veins are weakened, they cannot carry blood efficiently, resulting in slower blood circulation. The tension in the legs increases if the person spends a lot of time sitting or standing.

3) Because of the anatomy of the body. The veins in the legs carry blood against gravity. The distance the blood must travel from the legs to the heart is the longest in the body. Thus, blood flow in the legs is the most difficult to maintain. Weakening in the walls of the leg veins makes these veins more prone to becoming varicose veins.

What symptoms may I experience if I have varicose veins?

Some people have varicose veins and have no symptoms. The most common symptoms are:

– Heaviness and a tingling sensation in the legs.

– Pain and swelling.

– A feeling of constant heat in the legs.

– Changes in skin color.

– Skin irritation and rashes.

In most cases, varicose veins are not life-threatening. A small percentage of the population may develop more severe diseases, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism. Blood clots are formed in these diseases, which can obstruct the blood flow and threaten the person’s life.

What can I do if I have varicose veins?

There is no method to prevent varicose veins completely. But, lifestyle changes and early treatment can prevent the formation of new varicose veins and future complications. When you detect the presence of deformed veins, visit a clinic as soon as possible. The vein specialists in El Paso have successfully treated many people with varicose veins. Our clinic offers innovative and least-invasive therapies that are appropriate for your situation. Make an appointment and correct the appearance of your legs!

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