3 Tips to Live the Life You Love and Regain the Passions You Once Had

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What do the movers and shakers, the truly innovative and creative minds of our era, all have in common? They’ve reached astonishing heights in a pioneering and disruptive way and are deeply passionate about what they do.

They seem to be living their best life and have no qualms or trouble navigating any rough patches. It’s almost as if they’re built differently — and they are. Everything about them screams inspired, goal-oriented, and motivated.

This is why reigniting your passions — if you’ve put them aside for whatever reason — is so important in gaining greater self-awareness and self-confidence, as well as being more resilient when encountering obstacles. Here are a few tips to get over the hurdles of a passionless, uninspired, and — dare we say? — unfulfilling life.

1. Realise the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

If you’ve fallen out of love with work or daily activities, is it due to a genuine loss of interest, or are there other underlying factors?

This is an important question to ponder. If you don’t enjoy the things that once interested you or were passionate about, then fine, accept this truth and move on. However, many individuals become dispassionate because of deep-rooted thoughts and beliefs in their subconscious mind that may not always bubble up to the surface.

Perhaps you’re genuinely scared of failing once you re-embark on that path again. Maybe you’re facing difficulties and getting there is no longer straightforward. Or perhaps it’s linked to something sad. If so, take some time to reflect and brainstorm some possible solutions to find your old self. See a therapist if you have to. Invite your closest friend over and talk about it. Just don’t quit on your passions.

2. Prioritise Your Overall Well-being

Could it be that your passions are fading away because you tend to get overwhelmed and are unable to unwind? Whatever the reason, take a few deep breaths and walk away. It’s also important to write out your thoughts, ask for help from a loved one, and be kind to yourself.

Practising mindfulness, such as deep breathing, hitting the pool after work, and generally getting out of your head, on a daily basis can also go a long way. Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, talks about “treating yourself like a toddler“. Put another way, don’t try to do everything at once, get plenty of shuteye, and make sure to appease your appetite rather than finalising that assignment over brunch. Regardless of your career, focus on yourself first to experience the best results.

3. Tap Into Healing Practices

Alcohol and drug abuse can bring down entire families and transform inspired and passionate individuals into desperate shadows of their former selves. Though the impact can be devastating, there is a silver lining: Anyone can overcome addiction and get back to the life they loved with proper aid and guidance.

In particular, alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs often involve self-reflection and understanding the underlying causes of compulsion. This journey of introspection can also help people reconnect with their true selves, identifying their passions and interests that might have drowned under the weight of addiction. You can also learn a bevy of coping mechanisms and emotional regulation techniques to enhance your emotional and mental well-being.

Only You Can Kickstart the Process

Like most things in life, tapping into good memories can help you to pursue your deeply held passions. These interests aren’t gone forever — whatever you’re going through has just been hidden behind a curtain. In fact, you can start pulling back that curtain by making decisions, one at a time, however tough they are.

One thing is for sure: That tough decision, that scary first step, is the gateway to the things you enjoy most in life. And, let this serve as a reminder that these very things will provide you with a sense of purpose and direction, as well as inspire and motivate you. Surely, you don’t want to miss out on that kind of life. Reclaim your passions. After all, they’re still yours to pursue and maintain.


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