Home HEALTH 5 Great Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

5 Great Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

5 Great Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice

There are plenty of flavorful juices out there, including orange and apple flavors. However, there are also plenty of unusual flavors that you may not be aware of. One of these is pomegranate juice.

Did you know that the pomegranate happens to be one of the healthiest fruits out there? If not, you’re not alone! It features plenty of anti-tumor, anti-viral, and antioxidant properties that other fruits cannot offer.

Pomegranate features nearly three times more antioxidants than green tea or wine, so introducing pomegranate juice into your routine may be something you should consider.

Here are 5 great health benefits of pomegranate juice.

1. It’s High in Antioxidants

The pomegranate fruit contains a powerful and unique antioxidant known as punicalagin which is found in pomegranate peel and juice.

Although you lose out on some nutrients including vitamin A and fiber when you choose to drink pomegranate juice instead of consuming the fruit, the high antioxidant levels associated with pomegranates remain the same.

This is a crucial factor as antioxidants play a huge role in protecting us against free radicals which can cause damage to the cells in the body. Because of this, they are viewed as being responsible for bringing about premature aging (wrinkles).

If you want to make pomegranate juice from home, we’d recommend investing in one of the

Best Pomegranate Juicer options on the market.

2. It Helps to Reduce Inflammation

Thanks to this high antioxidant concentration (specifically ellagitannin compounds), pomegranate juice is also good at reducing inflammation by fighting against free radicals in our body.

Free radicals can cause a whole host of issues that we simply do not want or need to deal with, which means having pomegranate juice on hand is always a good idea.

If you regularly drink pomegranate juice, it may also offer some form of protection for your brain against different conditions that are seemingly influenced by oxidative stress and systemic inflammation.

3. It’s A Great Source of vitamin C

In layman’s terms, vitamin C works to boost antibody production in the body and develop our immunity to different things.

If you’re wondering why that has any relevance, we’re here to reveal that pomegranate juice has over 40% of our total daily recommended amount of vitamin C!

As a result, pomegranate (a “super fruit”) is often viewed as an easy way to promote and maintain a healthier immune system while also keeping infections at bay.

This means that leisurely sipping on some pomegranate juice is not only a great way to unwind but can work to also boost your immune system, alongside the other healthy habits you have implemented into your life.

4. It Can Improve Your Sleep Quality

Due to the presence of melatonin, folate, and magnesium, there’s a huge chance that drinking pomegranate juice late at night can help to improve your overall sleep quality.

You may be wondering exactly how this can impact your sleep. Well, pomegranates are a natural source of melatonin (a sleep hormone) which means it may positively impact those who struggle to sleep.

The presence of magnesium also means that drinking pomegranate juice can potentially work to reduce anxiety, improve sleep efficiency, and relieve symptoms of insomnia.

5. It Can Improve Digestion

Many of us are plagued by digestive issues in our daily lives, whether mild or severe. If this is something you struggle with, you may want to start drinking pomegranate juice a few times a week to see if it helps ease many of your symptoms.

As we’ve established, pomegranate juice is effective at reducing inflammation in the gut and also improving digestion. This makes it a brilliant beverage for individuals suffering from ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, among other inflammatory bowel diseases.

By introducing this drink into your diet, you are limiting the risk of inflammation occurring in the digestive tract thanks to the promotion of healthy gut bacteria.


As you can see, pomegranate juice isn’t just a tasty and refreshing drink to enjoy! This is because, in addition to its immense flavor, there are plenty of incredible health benefits that the drink may provide to you and your body.

For example, if you suffer from a stomach issue or are prone to inflammation, regularly taking the time to have a glass of pomegranate juice during your day can do wonders for improving your health.

We aren’t saying that it is a miracle cure, but rather a great way to boost your immune system and strengthen your body.


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