5 Health Care Services You Should Not Delay Receiving

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Since the global pandemic of covid-19 broke out, hospitals and other medical service providers have observed an alarming trend over the past year. The patients wait longer than they normally would receive for medical treatment. 

As per the research, it has been indicated that the number of emergency department visits nationwide has dropped approximately 30% from the predicted volumes. Thus, some levels admit patients that are 20-30% higher than can be anticipated. 

However, people suffer from a chronic condition and delay in receiving care. This eventually makes them vulnerable to hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes, which remain unchecked for a year and later face extreme conditions. Similarly, countless patients are forced to postpone their elective surgeries. 

5 Health Care Services That You Should Not Delay In Receiving

One may think that they have the ability to deal with pain, but on the contrary, the extended period of delay can impact their physical and mental health. For instance, delaying the knee replacement might force you to place more weight on the leg in a better condition, leading to quicker deterioration of your good point and ligaments. 

There are facilities for CAT scans, biopsies, and X-Rays, which are examples of a good lab world and are imaging that should not be delayed. 

So whenever you find any difficulty with health, immediately consult a health care professional when there is head trauma, experiencing symptoms that are related to heart attack, and pain that has not been decreasing. 

Thus, here are 5 health care services that you should not delay receiving-

1. Mammograms And Colonoscopies

The annual examination is important for detecting breast cancer at an early stage, leading to significantly higher survival rates. 

As per the researchers of the cancer foundation, when breast cancer is examined at an early stage and has been detected in the initial stage, the five-year relative survival rate accounts for 99%. 

The doctors and other health care professional has observed their concern along with the side effects from the Covid-19 vaccination that are wrongly assumed about the effects of breast cancer on mammograms if the test is scheduled too closely with the time of vaccination. 

Thus, if you are facing any issues, do not cancel your appointment or delay a mammogram. Consult with the primary care physician for guidance. 

On the other hand, colonoscopies are similar to a mammogram which assist in detecting colorectal cancer at an early and terrible stage. You should not delay the pandemic as an excuse to skip this lifesaving medical examination. 

2. Chronic Condition Management 

Several medical conditions can be prevented and, at the same time, are manageable by changing lifestyle. 

Therefore, those bringing in adjustments should be put into practice with guidance from the medical professional and monitor for any change that is in condition to alter the treatment plan. 

Different disease management initiatives and programs have been created to enhance the health condition of persons suffering from chronic conditions and reduce related costs from avoidable issues. This can be identified and treated with chronic conditions quickly and effectively, thus slowing down in progression of those diseases. 

However, Healthcare2U allows its team of experts to follow a systematic approach to handling chronic disease management. This includes-

  • Utilizing all the health-related information. 
  • Employing suitable guidelines.
  • Emphasizing proactive care.
  • Counsel the patients to play a proactive role as it can translate the treatment process into success. 
  • Adopt a family-centered approach. 

3. Mental Health Care

Since the outbreak of the pandemic mental health has taken a toll on most individuals, but particularly on adolescents whose social and daily lives are constantly upended. This will not eventually have one’s own psychological matureness to handle the anxiety and stress. 

Therefore, for those who are struggling to cope with mental health, if stress, depression, and anxiety get in the way of daily activities for multiple days in a row, then you should call for medical help. 

At times when the situation is extreme during the time of stress, one should seek out care from an emergency department or can either contact a doctor. 

On the other hand, taking mental health care services reduces the risk of chronic disease related to stress, substance abuse, and anxiety. Most significantly, mental health services save lives while improving the outlook of people who might feel lost and hopeless. 

4. Well-Visits And Immunization 

The annual physical and well-visited offers a chance to have an open conversation with the primary care providers about their personal goals, health, and other noticeable changes in the body. 

However, the service also allows you to create a scope to receive necessary tests that might uncover the issue, which can assist you in being the best version of yourself. 

Thus, immunization will assist you in saving lives and protect you, your family, and your community. Immunization helps you in protecting the future generation by eradicating diseases. As a result of immunization programs, several infectious diseases have been eliminated now. But there still have been contagious diseases that are appearing around the world.

5. Dental Care Services 

You can prevent any dental-related issue from causing diminished quality of life and the potential for medical complications. The dental care professional usually includes a dentist and a dental hygienist. 

At times, diseased, missing, or crooked teeth can interfere with speech and make chewing difficult and painful. This will ultimately lead to expensive corrective procedures. 

Modern dental health care services assist in treating your tooth decay in the early stage, which is often only mildly uncomfortable at its worse. Even medication that can numb the area of decay can eliminate the pain of filling the cavity for most people. 

Do Not Delay In Your Diagnosis 

It is advised that every individual not delay diagnosis since it leads to several censorious conditions. Therefore, the delay in diagnosis can directly affect the patient’s chance of survival or recovery. 

Remember, the earlier the illness is correctly treated and diagnosed, the better the patient’s chance for survival and recovery. 

If there is a failure to diagnose health issues in the earlier days, it can lead to more serious complications of the illness, and it can even lead to death. 


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