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5 Tricks to Help Your Child Get the Best Experience at the Dentist


Taking a quick trip to the dentist can make even the bravest of children a little anxious. After all, no kid wants things shoved inside their mouths, especially medical equipment like syringes and braces.

However, visiting the dentist at least once a month is a must for every child, no matter how healthy their teeth and gums are.

Unfortunately, if an underlying dental problem is left untreated, it can cause a whole lot of problems later.

It has been reported that in Australia, by the time a child turns 5, about 1 in 3 children have already had baby-tooth decay.

So use these tricks to take your child to the dentist with minimum tantrums!

  1. Take them when they’re still young

Taking your baby to the dentist can be a much less daunting experience if you start early. So instead of waiting for too long, start these visits as soon as the first tooth appears.

If your child grows up with frequent memories of going to the dentist, they will feel more comfortable and relaxed, knowing that it’s a part of their life.

Moreover, the diagnosis will be more accurate if the dentist understands your child’s dental conditions and problems right when they are very young.

The doctor will be able to give your little one guidelines on how to brush their teeth properly, how to floss before bedtime, and what the best teeth-friendly snacks are.

  1. Visit a place that looks inviting

Even though most dental clinics try their best to provide a welcoming atmosphere, very few can actually calm down an anxious child’s nerves.

Either the clinics are filled with scary-looking pictures of tooth surgeries, or the doctors and nurses are stern. This can cause fear in your child’s mind and make them reluctant to visit that place a second time.

So, look for a place where the staff is committed to relaxing their little patients. For example, if you’re based in Australia, go to the best Bacchus Marsh dentist to deal with kids.

Their children’s dentistry services specialize in treating a child’s tooth problems and also educating them about the different procedures.

  1. Do pretend to visit first

When you tell your young ones that their dental appointment is due soon, they often feel scared and anxious or make excuses about not going.

To make them feel more at ease, you can conduct a pretend dental session right at home. Try to get more information about how a typical dental checkup happens and try to enact it as realistically as possible.

For example, if you don’t have a doctor’s coat or a syringe, you can wear a simple white blazer and borrow your children’s toy medical equipment.

Pretend to lay them down on your couch and interact with them in a friendly manner. During this time, encourage them to look at you as a doctor, not as their parent.

  1. Give positive reinforcements

You don’t have to lie to your kids about their upcoming dental appointments but use only encouraging and positive words.

Any child is bound to get scared if you constantly use phrases like tooth-drilling machines or needle shots.

Instead, let them know that you’ll be with them throughout the process and that there’s nothing much to worry about.

If you want, you can also walk them through the basics of a typical dental appointment. Then, help them feel more relaxed by allowing them to bring a comfort item, such as a teddy or a picture book. However, avoid giving them sugary treats as a reward, as it can send the wrong message.

  1. Emphasize the importance of teeth hygieneIf your child is too young to understand why it’s important to go to the dentist occasionally, you must tell them why.

Be honest and try your best to stress the fact that maintaining healthy teeth and gums is crucial.

Try not to scare them by telling them about the extreme consequences of not going to the dentist, such as being punished by the tooth fairy or losing teeth forever. This will again paint a negative picture in their minds.

Rather calmly tell your child that going to the dentist is not just a choice but a necessity. Let them know that healthy teeth can make them lead a much better life.

Over to you…

Using the above strategies, you can make your regular trips to the dentist a lot more fun and interactive.

For further information, don’t hesitate to talk to the doctor and discuss things with them and your children.



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