6 Healthy Ways To Get Rid Of That Extra Weight

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Obesity is often regarded as the number one “silent killer” triggering a wave of other diseases across the body. Excess weight contributes to cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes. In the States alone, over 35% of the adult population is struggling with obesity and the number is increasing by the day, as a poor diet further contributes to the problem. Unfortunately, when it comes to weight, a lot of people are constantly struggling, seemingly without any results. However, people often make wrong decisions, adopt incorrect eating habits, and lack proper exercise, making their weight loss journey tedious. With a few simple tricks and tips, you can easily lose the first 10 pounds within two weeks, and keep on losing weight over months. Therefore, read on as we’ll discuss 6 healthy ways to get rid of that extra weight.

Drinking more water

Our bodies are over 70% water, therefore we need a daily intake of about four to eight glasses. The advantages of water are numerous, among others, it enhances our metabolism and helps us prevent gaining additional weight. Similar to how it washes away dirt from the dishes, it also does the same with the extra fat around the waist. Water cleanses our bodies, boosts energy levels, makes us feel fresh and ready, and helps the liver process toxins more effectively. It also reduces the chance of kidney stones forming, and it does wonders for detoxing our gall bladder, which releases crucial enzymes helping our digestive tract process food much faster and more effectively. Several studies have linked water intake above five glasses during the day, combined with a moderate diet, with the prevention of obesity and cancer cells. It also regulates your blood pressure and insulin levels. Therefore, drink up and replace the fizzy drinks with a glass of clean H2O.

Fiber intake

The processed food people eat is rich in fat and protein, however, for our guts to work properly, we need a fair amount of fiber as well. Fibers boost the health of our gut, increase the number of friendly bacteria, therefore helping our immune system stay strong and healthy. Fibers also enhance the metabolism and the processing of food, making the weight loss journey easier. There are numerous benefits to implementing veggies and fruit in our diet, for example, the right amount of fiber helps regulate insulin levels and decreases the chance of insulin resistance which is one step away from type one diabetes. Fibers further decrease the feeling of hunger and the cravings we have for carbs and fats, as well as sweets. There are endless ways to take in more fiber, some of the most popular sources of probiotic fiber are salads, vegetables, greek yogurt, fruits, and nowadays specially made pills to balance the fiber intake, like the ones you can get at Flora boost shop. As a lot of us are in a constant rush, we might find the making of salads and lunches taking up a lot of our time, therefore nutritious pills with the right amount of needed fiber can do the trick for keeping our guts healthy and happy. Another idea is the intake of oils, olive oil in particular, as it functions as a lubricant for the guts, making it easier for the food to be digested properly. A study even suggested the link between gut health and mental health, explaining how a disbalance of good bacteria can cause mild depression, increase anxiety levels and reduce stress tolerance. And as said, salads are more likely to give you a feeling of fullness and decrease hunger cravings.

Replacing the sweets with honey and muscovado sugar

A lot of people are obese due to the excessive intake of processed sugar, and over time they’ve built up insulin resistance, initiating diabetes. Insulin resistance is common in people who are accustomed to consuming more than the allowed daily sugar limit. Although it is a powerful sweetener and makes every dessert delicious, there are far better alternatives with lower levels of sugar. Honey, for millennia, is known as the number one natural sweetener. Even in the ancient pyramids, there has been honey in little jars. It has powerful antibacterial properties, boosts the immune system, and helps in the prevention of cancer and other diseases. Also, honey is extremely sweet, you can add it to your protein shake, yet healthy to consume in moderate amounts and a perfect substitute for your daily candy bar.

Another amazing natural sweetener is muscovado sugar, its dark and sticky consistency gives it a unique look and a special taste. As it has more molasses than regular sugar, it is rich in antioxidants reducing the damage done to the body by free radicals and slowing the aging process, as well as other illnesses, caused by the excessive intake of processed sugar.

Ditch the fizzy drinks

Fizzy drinks are often associated with the number one reason for adding weight around the waist. The extreme amounts of sugar packed within a single bottle of Coke or Sprite make it immobile for the liver to process it at once. The liver reacts to the crazy sugar infusion by converting it to fat and storing it in the body. When we consume a piece of cake, the sugar is processed more effectively since the cake has to pass through the intestines and the body has enough time to digest it correctly. However, with fizzy drinks, it is different, as the immediate amount of sugar taken hits the body like a bomb, making it difficult to process it all at once. As a result, the liver converts it to fat, which is then stored in excess once more. People frequently complain about how they barely eat during the day yet gain a few pounds, and that when they look at their diet, more than half of them have a drink or two every day. This is a serious issue that will slow down your weight reduction.

Consult a professional

Consulting a professional nutritionist to help you on your weight loss journey is one of the best things you can do. Most nutritionists are well acquainted with diet plans regarding the proper loss of fat, as well as studies done on the subject of weight loss. You’ll need their expert opinion to prevent any undesired side effects from losing weight, such as hormonal imbalance and reduced immunity. Therefore, we highly recommend it before starting any diet plan.


Exercising is the last but not the least important thing, as exercising has been shown to help weight loss and increase dopamine levels in the body. It is not just the fat you’ll lose, it is the feeling you’ll get from finishing training, as physical activity has been linked to increased mental health and stability, reducing stress levels and depression. Therefore, try working out at least a few times during the week moderately, and you’ll see progress in no time.

We wish you luck on your journey; the key is to never give up and to try again no matter what.


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