7 Newborn Care Tips for First-Time Parents

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Entering parenthood for the first time is an astounding and joyful event, although it also carries with it a distinct set of hurdles. In the midst of the delight and excitement, you may feel an overpowering sense of responsibility to provide the greatest care for your precious bundle of joy.

The early days of parenthood can be difficult, but with the proper knowledge and skills, you can create a nurturing environment for your infant. Here are some crucial pieces of baby care advice for first-time parents.

Don’t forget to ask for help:

Being a first-time parent can be difficult, and it is perfectly okay to seek help and advice from family, friends, or professionals when necessary. Connecting with other parents, whether in your town or online, can help you tremendously. Sharing experiences, guidance, and support with others in the same boat can bring enormous comfort as well as practical ideas and expertise on a wide range of issues, including common childhood disabilities such as cerebral palsy.

According to a study, approximately 10,000 babies are born each year with cerebral palsy, a motor disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and posture. This disorder is frequently caused by damage to the developing, immature brain, which takes place before birth. Parents must modify their caregiving approaches for children with cerebral palsy. Fortunately, you can find a Cerebral Palsy guide online to help you navigate this difficult time. You can find valuable details, tips, and community support on such websites.

Feeding the baby:

Newborns, due to their petite stomachs, require frequent nourishment. It is generally recommended that babies be fed every 2-3 hours or when they exhibit signs of hunger, such as crying, placing fingers in their mouths, or creating sucking sounds.

Breastfeeding is widely recommended for its optimal nutritional profile and immunity support properties; however, it isn’t without its challenges. Mothers need to ensure they maintain a nutritious diet, stay hydrated, and get a bunch of rest to foster an adequate milk supply. It is perfectly normal to encounter hurdles during this journey, and taking the help of a lactation consultant can be incredibly beneficial.

In instances where breastfeeding isn’t feasible, formula feeding is a perfectly suitable option.

Regardless of the feeding method, don’t forget the post-feeding ritual of burping your baby. Burping the baby will help alleviate any discomfort from air swallowed during feeding.

Practice safe sleeping:

In the initial days, newborns usually sleep an impressive 16-17 hours each day, waking up only briefly when hungry. During these periods of sleep, it is crucial to stick to specific guidelines to ensure your baby’s safety. The guidelines consist of

  • Follow the ABC: Ensure your baby sleeps Alone, on their Back, and in a Crib or bassinet. The crib or bassinet should have a firm mattress with snug-fitting sheets. Avoid filling the crib or bassinet with pillows, blankets, or stuffed toys because these items pose the threat of suffocation to the baby.
  • Share the room, not the bed! The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests parents share a room with the baby but not the bed for a least the first six months. This helps decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
  • Keep a monitor: invest in a baby monitor to keep an eye on your sleeping baby even when you are not in the same room.

Changing Diaper:

Newborns can go through 10 or more diapers daily, making diaper changing a frequent take in a parent’s routine. Mastery of this task as early as possible is necessary to maintain your baby’s hygiene and comfort. Here are some methods to master your diaper-changing skills:

  • Promote change: change your baby’s diaper as soon as it is spoiled or wet. This will help prevent the formation of diaper rash.
  • Proper cleaning: Use a warm cloth, baby wipes, or cotton to clean the diaper area during each change. Always wipe from front to back to avoid urinary tract infections.
  • Diaper rash: it is completely natural for babies to develop diaper rash. And when you suspect a diaper rash, use a zinc-based cream.

Bathing basics:

Bathing your newborn may seem like a daunting task initially; however, with a gentle touch and some simple tips, you can make bath time a safe and fun experience for both you and your baby.

During the initial period when the baby’s umbilical cord has not fallen off or the navel area hasn’t fully healed, it is best to stick to giving your baby a sponge bath. Use a soft, wet washcloth to delicately clean your baby’s sensitive skin. Once the navel has fully healed, you can shift to giving a bath in the skin or baby tub,

Remember that babies do not need to be bathed daily. 2-3 times per week is sufficient to keep them clean.

Hygiene Practices:

A newborn’s immune system is still developing, making them more susceptible to infections. Below are a few pointers to ensure you are offering the safest care:

  • Regularly wash your hands: Always wash your hands or use sanitizer before handling your baby, especially before feeding or after changing the diaper.
  • Clean environment: Regularly clean items or surfaces that your baby frequently encounters, including toys, pacifiers, and bottles.
  • Safe handling: Always support the baby’s head and neck when carrying them. Never shake your baby, as this can lead to severe brain damage.

Bonding and Soothing Techniques:

Bonding and soothing techniques are integral in fostering a deep emotional connection with your newborn child while also helping to comfort and relax them. Here are some valuable strategies to consider:

  • Skin-to-skin contact: Also known as kangaroo care. This simple act, performed immediately after birth and during the first weeks, helps promote bonding, regulates the baby’s heart rate and temperature, and can even improve breastfeeding outcomes.
  • Swaddling: Wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket can provide a sense of security, mimicking the feeling of the womb. However, ensure the swaddle is not too tight, especially around the hip area. Wrapping your baby too tight can increase their risk for hip dysplasia.
  • Baby Massage: Gentle messages have been shown to help soothe babies, improve their sleep, and even aid digestion. Use a hypoallergenic baby-friendly oil and apply soft, gentle strokes.


Caring for a newborn can be a whirlwind of emotions, filled with joy, love, worry, and fatigue. But with each passing day, you will gradually get the hang of things. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to ask for help and take some time for self-care. After all, your baby needs a well-rested and happy parent. By following these tips and trusting your instincts, you will endure and thrive in your new role as a parent.



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