9 Pros and Cons of Testosterone Supplements

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Testosterone plays an important role when fueling the essential functions of men. These include things such as sexual functioning, mood, cognition, and body composition among others.

Unfortunately, most men have found themselves in situations where they need to use supplements to increase their testosterone levels.

This might be caused by things such as age and hormone disorders and is known to affect most men a lot even getting to their self-confidence. However, testosterone supplements have been in use for a long time and have helped many men deal with this problem.

What Do Testosterone Supplements Do?

The truth is that good-quality testosterone supplements will boost testosterone levels. This is an important factor when you are looking at boosting testosterone levels.

It is useful for people who have below-average levels of testosterone, a condition that is commonly referred to as Low T.

However, you do not have to be suffering from this condition for you to use testosterone supplements.

If you feel like your masculinity is not sufficient – this includes things such as sexual functioning and body composition – you can take these supplements, albeit following guidelines. Lots of men have undergone testosterone replacement therapy found here and there’s no shame in admitting you need help in this area, as it’s a common problem. A healthy treatment can provide a rejuvenation of your masculinity and all that entails, including physical strength and mental clarity.

How Do They Work?

Once in the body, the supplements are taken by androgen receptors which use them to perform the functions of the naturally produced testosterone. This involves the maintenance of sex characteristics in men.

Testosterone supplements can be found in the form of injections, implants, patches, creams, and gels.

Pros of Testosterone Supplements

Increases Physical Function and Muscle Mass

Testosterone supplements play a vital role when it comes to increasing muscle mass and reducing fat mass in men, an important factor in improving mens’ overall health.

This leads to a strong and healthy body composition, something that every man would want to have, and is also the reason why bodybuilders need Enclomiphene Citrate.

Improves Sexual Functioning

One of the major reasons that lead men into taking testosterone supplements is their weak sexual functioning. This might be caused by many things, including age, drug abuse, and poor diet among others.

However, testosterone supplements give men improved sexual function and a more consistent sexual activity. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, you need to consult a professional before using these supplements.

Improves Cognition and Mood

Testosterone is known to affect cognition in men. This means that with the right levels of testosterone, you will have an improved cognition compared to having lower levels of the same.

Testosterone supplements bring a positive effect on male cognition. They also reduce fatigue and irritability. This leads to an improved mood.

Reduces Symptoms of Diabetes

Taking testosterone supplements affects the reduction of the symptoms of diabetes, especially for men suffering from type 2 diabetes.

This is because it reduces the instances of insulin resistance, leading to better outcomes when treating diabetes. It also helps in reducing obesity.

Cons of Testosterone Supplements

Fluid Retention

Testosterone can cause the retention of water in some men. Even though this condition cannot lead to serious consequences, it can be irritating especially for men who are taking these supplements to improve their masculine appearance.


Just like any other androgen, testosterone can lead to increased stimulation of oil glands, something that leads to acne. They can also clog pores in the face, a known trigger for acne.

If you look at most people with acne, you will realize that they are mostly young people. This is because their level of production of testosterone is higher than in older people.

Might Lead to Lower Sperm Count

Testosterone supplements increase the supply of testosterone in the body. This leads to a depressed release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, something that might lead to a lower sperm count as well as the reduction of the size of testicles.


Have you seen men with fat breasts that look quite uncomfortable? Well, one of the known causes of these fatty breasts in men is testosterone supplements. This condition is referred to as gynecomastia.

Increased Aggression

Even though most people have reported improved mood after using testosterone supplements, there have been some reported cases of increased aggressive behavior as well as mood swings in some men.


Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the male body. This is because it can increase energy production, sharpen the memory, lead to increased muscle mass, and boost libido.

However, most men lose this hormone due to different conditions and old age. If that happens to you, you can consider using testosterone supplements since, as you can see in this article, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


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