Health-related articles. Medical Device News Magazine does not necessarily support these views and opinions.
Things That Can Happen When Prescribed the Wrong Medication
December 22, 2020
By: Stephen Black, M.D.
Everyone’s actions can lead to mistakes that can be reversed or permanent. Unfortunately, medical errors are the worst things...
Top Ways to Cure Your Sports Injuries Efficiently
Engaging in sporting activities is good for your health. Specialists often advise us that being active helps prevent some of the lifestyle diseases.
Why Chipped Tooth Requires an Urgent Dentist Visit
If you happen to have a chipped tooth, it may signal an urgent visit to the dentist or it may not. It depends on...
Electronic Smile Now Available in a Mask is unveiling a new LED Smart Mask today that will allow mask wearers a unique opportunity to show off an electronic smile and much...
Medela Announces NEW Pump In Style Breast Pump
The Pump In Style Breast Pump with MaxFlow Technology is designed for moms who pump several times a day and need a highly effective breast pump to maintain their supply.
Hologic Launches ‘Back to Screening’ Campaign to Encourage Women to Prioritize Mammograms Delayed due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Hologic’s Back to Screening campaign features a page where visitors can sign up for a reminder to schedule their annual mammograms.
Easy Breathe Develops New Way for Users to Get Their CPAP Prescription Renewed Quickly Online
The CPAP Prescription Renewal program is just one of the ways that Easy Breathe has been making CPAP easier for people with sleep apnea.
ZetrOZ Systems Reports sam® Dramatically Improves the Treatment of Soft Tissue, Arthritis and Joint Issues Without Requiring Surgery or Pain Medication
ZetrOZ Systems reports sam® administers 1.3 watts of low-intensity ultrasound energy at 3 megahertz frequency to accelerate biological healing processes and reduce pain.
HPV Test Misses Twice as Many Women Who Develop Cervical Cancer as Cotesting, Quest Diagnostics Health Trends™ Study Finds
The largest study of a nationally representative American population demonstrates co-testing outperforms HPV or Pap testing alone in detecting cancer and precancer in women 30 years and older. The study is significant because it is the largest to date to assess the performance of guideline-recommended cervical cancer screening methods in a diverse population of American women in real-world care settings. It reveals stark differences in the performance of the various recommended methods in detecting cancer and precancers in women 30 years of age and older.