Home ARTICLES Common Birth Injuries Caused By Malpractice And How a Lawyer Can Help

Common Birth Injuries Caused By Malpractice And How a Lawyer Can Help

The arrival of a newborn fills our hearts with joy. Yet many unforeseen challenges can mar this momentous occasion, including birth injuries. Isn’t it, therefore, essential to learn about the most common birth injuries? Coupling this knowledge with the awareness of the best avenues for legal assistance can help you find the right support for your family after birth injuries. Let’s learn more.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy affects various aspects of a child’s life. It is one of the biggest risks among birth injuries, often leading to impaired movement and muscle coordination in the infant. In many cases, medical malpractice and negligence cause this birth injury.

Oxygen deprivation at birth is among the key causes of cerebral palsy. If a doctor leaves the mother with severe oxygen deprivation during childbirth, it can lead to this condition and others, such as detached placenta and umbilical cord problems.

Improper use of medical instruments can also cause traumatic head injury to the infant, leading to cerebral palsy. Should negligence be established, you can hire a birth injury attorney who will pursue compensation for your damages.

A primary objective in the claim or suit would be to ensure that the child’s future needs are met. This way, they can have a better quality of life despite the disability brought about by medical care negligence and malpractice.

Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby’s shoulders become trapped behind the mother’s pubic bone. This occurrence poses a significant risk during childbirth. Still, like many other birth injuries, it has its roots in negligence or malpractice- vis-à-vis the failure of the medical professional to properly diagnose causative conditions or situations and implement the right measures beforehand.

Causal factors that are predictable for this complication include fetal macrosomia. This is when the baby is larger than average. Maternal diabetes should also indicate to healthcare providers the existing risk of shoulder dystocia. Expectant mothers with diabetes are more likely to deliver larger babies, doubling their shoulder dystocia risk.

Shoulder dystocia can lead to severe birth injuries. These include brachial plexus damage. The mother may also suffer pelvic bone fractures and nerve damage. A legal advocate can help ensure the victim and the family get the necessary compensation to cover medical expenses, therapy, and long-term care needs after these injuries.

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

HIE occurs when the baby’s brain receives insufficient oxygen during birthing. It can cause permanent damage to the brain cells. HIE can result in a range of neurological impairments and developmental challenges.

During the birthing process, the healthcare provider is responsible for monitoring the placenta and taking measures to forestall risks such as placental abruption. They should also check for constriction. When these factors lead to inadequate blood and oxygen supply to the baby’s brain, they often cause HIE.

Also, when labor is prolonged, it increases the risk of HIE. Prolonged labor often results in increased pressure on the baby’s head and oxygen deprivation.

HIE can have severe and long-lasting impacts. These can range from intellectual disability to motor disorders, seizures, and stunted growth. It’s critical to seek legal recourse if medical malpractice is to blame. The best lawyer can help you seek damages compensation that caters to the long-term care and support of the HIE child.

Skull Crush Injury

Cephalohematoma occurs when the baby’s head suffers excessive pressure during childbirth. The improper use of delivery techniques or instruments can cause the baby’s head to get squeezed or compressed against the mother’s pelvic bone.

There is also a high risk of skull crush if the baby’s head is too large. In that case, it may not pass through the birth canal smoothly. The resulting compression can cause fractures or breaks in the infant’s skull bones. There is also potential damage to the underlying brain tissue.

The long-term consequences can be neurological impairments and cognitive disabilities that require rehabilitative therapies and specialized interventions. An attorney can help determine whether medical negligence or malpractice caused the condition. The evidence gathering will center on proving how the healthcare professionals failed to exercise proper medical standards during the birthing process.

If negligence is established, your family will have grounds to sue the hospital or health professional for your affected child and the family. Part of the birth injury compensation can include payments for medical care, therapies, and assistive devices for the child’s well-being.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that every birth injury case is unique, and consulting with a knowledgeable attorney can provide specific guidance and support based on individual circumstances.

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