Compression therapy involves using specialized garments to apply pressure to specific body parts. This therapy can treat many conditions, including muscle pain and circulatory problems. While compression therapy can bring relief to many people, there are also risks and precautions to consider. This article explains the pros and cons of compression therapy, so you know if it’s right for you.
Compression therapy
Compression therapy uses special garments to decrease swelling or symptoms of venous diseases. It’s used to treat various issues like varicose veins and blood clots. Additionally, it helps improve blood flow by increasing mobility. This therapy is usually combined with other treatments like medication and exercise.
Remember that only a specialist can recommend this therapy. Visit a vein doctor in New Jersey so they can diagnose your condition. They can tell you if you are a good candidate for compression therapy.
Types of compression therapy
There are several types of compression therapy, some of them are:
– Manual compression. Elastic bands or bandages are used to compress the affected area. Only a professional can apply this technique.
– Mechanical compression. It requires mechanical devices such as electrical compression stockings and pneumatic compression devices.
– Graduated compression. This technique uses compression stockings with different compression levels in other body areas. Compression is strongest in the area closest to the heart and decreases as it moves away.
– Intermittent compression. Compression is applied intermittently using a mechanical device or hand pump. It is commonly used to prevent or treat deep vein thrombosis.
– Dynamic compression. It consists of applying compression to the limb during physical activity. Doctors use elastic stockings or pneumatic devices to improve venous flow.
Benefits of compression therapy
The following are some of the benefits of compression therapy:
– Improved blood flow. Compression therapy relieves pain, swelling, and tingling in the fingers and toes.
– Reduced risk of blood clots. It helps reduce the risk of blood clots, especially for people who are at risk. For example, people with diabetes or pregnant women.
– Improved sleep. Compression therapy may improve sleep quality. It is beneficial for people suffering from restless legs syndrome (RLS).
– Improved mobility. This therapy reduces swelling and improves blood flow to the affected limb. It aids in recovery, especially after surgery.
– Improved quality of life. Compression therapy allows people to improve their lives by reducing pain and swelling.
– Improved limb function. This therapy promotes better limb function in people with poor circulation.
– Pre-wound healing. The therapy can be used to help previous wound healing by reducing swelling.
– Postoperative pain relief. People can use compression therapy to relieve pain after surgery.
– Reducing the risk of infection. Compression therapy may also reduce the risk of infection after surgery.
Risks associated with compression therapy
Compression therapy may have some associated risks, although generally mild and infrequent. Some of the possible risks include the following:
– Allergic reaction. It is unsuitable for people allergic to certain fabrics—for example, wool or rubber latex.
– Skin irritation. Compression garments can cause skin irritation, especially if they are too tight.
– Slow blood flow. When compression garments are too tight, they might have the opposite effect intended. They can slow blood flow to the rest of the body rather than increase it.
– Injuries due to improper wear. Compression stockings must fit properly to provide benefits. You must wear them according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid injury.
– Discomfort. If compression is excessive, garments can be uncomfortable when applied against the skin. Also, misuse can cause pain, swelling, or numbness in the legs.
– Infection. Compression therapy increases the risk of infection, especially if the person wears wet garments.
Compression therapy is a safe and effective treatment for various blood circulation problems. This therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation in people with venous issues. To ensure garments are used correctly, follow the instructions from the vein doctor in New Jersey. This will help prevent any potential complications.