Home HEALTH Dealing With PTSD- How To Seek Control Over Negative Emotions

Dealing With PTSD- How To Seek Control Over Negative Emotions


PTSD is a challenging condition in which the effects of an awful occurrence linger. It can even create an imprint on your daily life. Unfortunately, it is far more common than you imagine, with more than 13 million Americans living with it. The sad part is that many patients fail to realize they have it.

If you are a PTSD patient, you may encounter a constant stream of negative emotions, reminiscences, and anxiety. These feelings can be exhausting enough to take a toll on your health, career, and relationships. Long-term PTSD symptoms can even impair your ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL).

Fortunately, there are ways to deal with negative emotions and find your way back to life. Let us share a few actionable tips to deal with PTSD-induced negativity.

Acknowledge your feelings

Confronting the harsh reality of PTSD is easier said than done. But this acceptance is the necessary step towards regaining authority over your emotions. It is normal to feel negative emotions, so accept them and move on.

You may experience anger, anxiety, and fear every time you recall the traumatic event. Recognizing and confirming these emotions is an effective means to embark on the healing journey and start from scratch.

Build a support system

The PTSD recovery process is often long and daunting, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Creating a support system can be a game-changer. Accept the need for a helping hand during the hard phase when you feel like you are on the verge of falling. Reach out to compassionate and sympathetic people, such as friends, family members, and colleagues.

Sharing your emotions with trusted people can help relieve mental strain and feel lighter. You can join a support group and interact with people who have encountered similar challenges. The value of shared knowledge and experiences cannot be overstated.

Invest in self-care

Self-care can go a long way in accelerating the PTSD healing process. Create an everyday routine that involves regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, and enough sleep because these are pillars of self-care. They help with mood stabilization and anxiety reduction.

You can also use relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or exercise in your daily routine. Taking care of your physical well-being is a crucial first step in regaining control over your emotions.

Seek therapy from an expert

Therapy is a path to healing and inner strength. A trained psychotherapist or counselor can offer you the expert advice and tools you require for controlling your PTSD. They can help you handle past traumas and minimize the psychological burden linked to triggers. They also help you create coping strategies by using various therapies.

Look for a specialist offering therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). There are plenty of experts across the country, specifically in big cities like New York. You can check the best therapists in new york city online, and book an appointment in a few clicks. Therapy creates a safe and encouraging environment with unconditional positive regard that encourages you to express feelings, fears, and desires.

Avoid triggers

Triggers are emotional landmines waiting to explode with troubling thoughts and feelings. Figuring out and preventing triggers is a significant step toward regaining control of your feelings. It may entail avoiding places, circumstances, or even individuals that remind you of the horrific incident.

Establishing boundaries while conveying your needs to those around you can be helpful. You can create a more secure emotional environment by lowering your exposure to triggers.

Cultivate patience

Recovering from PTSD is an endurance race. It is essential to cultivate patience because recovery takes time. You may experience frustration or believe that healing is slow. Honor minor achievements along the way, and be kind to yourself when you fall short.

Patience allows you to recognize that going through recovery is a journey full of ups and downs and that each step ahead is a victory.

Nurture positive thoughts

The power of your mind is incredible, and cultivating constructive ideas can help you gain control of your feelings. Concentrate on the things you are thankful for in your life to practice gratitude every day.

You can swap your negative self-talk with positive affirmations of your worth and resilience. Writing in a journal is a successful method to explore and redefine your thoughts.


Managing PTSD and regaining emotional control is a difficult but entirely attainable goal. You can take significant steps toward mental wellness and recovery by following these tips. Reclaim control of your feelings and work towards a more promising future with time, resilience, and adequate support.

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