Does the Yo-Yo Dieting Negatively Influence Your Overall Health?

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Medical Device News Magazine
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When launching into a stringent diet, or reducing a few bad dietary habits and high-calorie food, weight loss is inevitable. Metabolic changes will lead to weight loss but only for a short period until metabolism adapts to this new calorie intake regime and creates stability. The successful losing weight will turn into weight gaining again. This dramatic loss of pounds and its returning cycles is called the yo-yo effect. But the yo-yo diet doesn’t only affect your weight but harms your overall health. Better Weigh Medical will discuss the negative influence of yo-yo and point out the vital damages this dieting makes to your body.

Blood sugar

Balanced blood sugar is essential for heart, brain, and digestive functioning. Rigid diets and skipping meals can cause a drop-down in blood sugar. The minor symptoms of low blood sugar are weakness, dizziness, anxiousness, and a craving for food rich in fat and sugar. The more often your weight fluctuates and the frequency of the yo-yo diet, the greater will be blood sugar imbalance. The major consequences of prolonged low blood sugar affect the pancreas and increase the chances of developing diabetes type 1 and 2. In the case of diabetes 2 pancreas doesn’t provide enough insulin, and type 1 means that pancreas can no longer produce insulin. Experiencing low blood sugar too often without apparent symptoms is the condition of hypoglycemia unawareness. Also, frequent low blood sugar can cause the body to stop releasing epinephrine, a stress hormone, responsible for signs of weakness, hunger, and shakiness. The hormone leptin, which regulates hunger and appetite, also decreases with low blood sugar.

Heart condition

Weight fluctuations affect the heart, especially those with heart diseases. Yo-yo dieting increases the risk of coronary diseases and stroke by the instability of blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol level.


Changes in your diet consequence the microbiome in your guts, causing the imbalance between the trillions of good and bad bacteria. This affects immunity and metabolism. Bacteriological disbalance leads to diarrhea, which causes dehydration and electrolytes loss from the organism.


Yo-yo dieting usually eliminates cutting the nutrients necessary for a healthy organism. Anemia is often a condition in those with such dieting. Especially in women, the lack of iron is noticeable. Without enough blood cells that deliver oxygen to all body cells, the functioning of the body system is moderated. Symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, tiredness, contestation absence, and rapid heartbeat are followed by anemia

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Cycling a weight-yo-yo diet leads to a rising percentage of body fat. This is the result of the fact that the body regains fat easier and faster than muscles. While your body fat will be reattained quickly, this will drive to more loss of the muscles and less physical strength. Cutting the protein-rich food will reduce the protein intake that is required for muscle tissue growth. Thus, your resting metabolism decreases due to the unpredictable calorie values you consume, and in an attempt to maintain balance, it retains calories, this indicates that these changes will consequently elevate belly fat and harden weight loss.


Significant calorie reduction but not systematically working on your weight loss, won’t lead to continuous weight loss and will result in reverse. People who had three times or more of a yo-yo diet increased the risk of health conditions rather than those with permanent healthy lifestyle changes. Cycled weight ups and downs, eventually won’t lead to optimal weight but only damage overall health.

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