Driving Offenses That Are Likely to Get You Caught

That Could Mean Jail Time or Worse

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Driving is the controlled movement of a vehicle. Breaking any road rules is considered a driving offense. This article discusses some driving offenses you are likely to commit that can get you caught.

Drinking and Driving

We all know that drunk driving is dangerous. There is an alcohol limit; and when stopped by law enforcement, you will be tested to see if you have gone over the limit.  Besides, intoxication impairs your judgment on many occasions.

If you are driving while intoxicated, there is no doubt that you increase your chances of getting into a car accident, crushing, or getting yourself caught. Drunk driving is a heavy and highly serious offense and the only way to get help is by seeking a Criminal Defense Attorney to get you out of such a mess.

Driving Carelessly

Careless driving is an offense that you bring to yourself. Careful driving should be your responsibility as long as you are on the wheel. It would help if you always cared for your life and the lives of other people in the vehicle.

Dangerous driving means that you don’t care about your health or life. Avoid careless driving; it will land you in the hospitals or in police cells. The offense of reckless driving will get you caught.

Over Speeding

Over speeding (going over the designated speed limits) is one of the significant driving offenses. It is one of the most common offenses drivers commit. Most highways and roads have speed rules and you should drive according to those rules.  In addition, many countries have speed limits on their streets.

Over speeding is when you exceed the recommended speed limit, which can either get you a penalty or get handcuffs. So as a driver, you should always be very keen on checking speed limit road signs to guide you on how much speed you should be driving.

If You Are Driving Without Insurance or a Valid Drivers License

Clearly driving without insurance further places you at risk. Going on the road with no license is a way to attract a penalty for yourself. This offense can get you in court. You may end up paying huge fines for such a case. Always ensure that your car has insurance that is up to date.

Driving When You Have a Ban

Driving with a ban can get you arrested. You are supposed to avoid driving if the law has banned you. Going against a ban is considered an offense. You can get arrested for disobeying a ban. Violating rules is an offense also. Hence you can be punished for two crimes; disobedience and driving when you are not allowed.

Driving an Unroadworthy Vehicle

Every vehicle on the road should be in a good state. Driving a car that has any mechanical issue is an offense. Conversely, driving unroadworthy vehicles poses significant dangers on the road.

Before going on a trip or driving, always ensure your car is roadworthy. It would be best if you always took care of your vehicle and frequently serviced it. Driving a car that is not roadworthy is risking your life and the lives of other drivers on the road. You may even cause an accident.


All driving offenses have different penalties regarding the seriousness of the crime. Furthermore, driving offenses also vary according to where you live; hence you should strive to know the driving offenses that can get you into trouble where you are driving.

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