Home HEALTH Five Quick Ways to Boost Your Energy

Five Quick Ways to Boost Your Energy

Five Quick Ways to Boost Your Energy

Growing up you would always hear adults say something along the lines of “oh I wish I had as much energy as you” when you were little running around with a seemingly endless storage of energy. As we get older we start to understand what all of those adults were talking about. Young students and busy adults are always on the hunt for more energy. While we are incapable of creating more hours within a single day we are capable of changing our everyday habits to give ourselves the best shot of having the most energy to be our best. In this article we will discuss five ways to boost your energy quickly!

Stay Hydrated

If you are feeling fatigued throughout the day there way be a simple explanation to why that is. Quickly reflect on how much water you drink everyday. When you are sitting at your desk at work, what beverages do you have beside you? Probably a coffee or caffeinated drink. You may be feeling tired simply because your body is dehydrated!

Think about it this way when you go for a run. What is the first thing you do when you are feeling tired? You pause and drink water. This same is true even when you are sitting still. Studies show evidence that dehydration leads to negative effects on brain function, energy levels, and your overall mood.

Go get some ice water and see how quickly you perk up. It is recommended that you drink around eight glasses of water everyday. Make sure you have a glass during the midday slump.

Try A Herbal Tonic

Consider giving an herbal tonic a try to boost your energy quickly! There are a few herbs that are great for increasing your energy levels. What is a herbal tonic? Herbal tonics are a key aspect of the practice of herbalism or herbal medicine. It is practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine. At its core it uses specific plants for specific medical needs.

You can start with trying a herbal tonic containing Ginseng. This herb is extremely popular due to its energy enhancing properties. Due to these claims it has been heavily researched. One study conducted in 2010 concluded that Ginseng directly improved aspects of working memory performance and subjective ratings of calmness in healthy adolescents. Its anti-fatigue properties make it a great herb of choice for an energy boosting tonic. Check with your doctor to make sure it is safe to take Ginseng alongside your other medication.

Another herbal tonic you can try is a rosemary tonic. Research shows that aromatherapy using rosemary can potentially assist with cognitive performance. In a study conducted in 2018, researchers found positive effects in healthy adults when they drank 250ml of water that contained rosemary extract. They found that adults perform cognitive tasks more effectively.

Have A Snack

Sometimes what your body needs is a little pick me up in the form of a snack. This is crucial on days where you may have skipped breakfast. Food in its essence provides our bodies with energy. If you are feeling tired all you may need is a small snack.

It is recommended that you have a snack that is made of natural sugars rather than processed sugars. A great source of natural sugar is fruit. For example, one of the best fruits you can have as a snack is a banana. A study conducted in 2012 concluded that adults who ate a banana before a bike ride had more endurance and helped with performance. Bananas are full of great nutrients for your body. Try having one when you are feeling tired and watch its magic work.

Any kind of sugar can give you an energy boost so if you are really in a pinch you can have a piece of chocolate or another kind of candy bar and you will see a pickup in your energy, just be aware that your body may crash easier when you consume processed sugars.

Strategic Caffeine

A solution for many is to drink another cup of coffee when you feel low on energy. While coffee is great, it is important to be strategic on how you consume any caffeinated beverage on a daily basis. It is recommended that you stop drinking caffeine after two in the afternoon. This is because when you consume caffeine late in the day it can affect your sleep schedule which will lead to greater problems down the line.

So what is the strategy you need to adopt? Well according to Harvard Medical School, you should consume smaller amounts of caffeine and space out your intake throughout the day. Their research shows that sipping on a cup of coffee throughout the day, rather than quickly drinking it, is more effective at keeping you alert than larger doses of caffeine.


Lastly, the quickest and most long term effective solution to boosting your energy is monitoring your sleep schedule. Skipping sleep is the worst thing you can do to your body. You may think one less hour here or there will not impact your overall health, but research shows it will. Make sure you are getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. You do not want to compile sleep debt over time. A good night’s rest will go a long way in giving yourself the energy it needs. If you feel exhausted, take a twenty minute nap and wake up revitalized.


Everybody’s bodies are different and require different things. Try out these tips and see what works best for you. You may just discover you have been chronically dehydrated or that you really need to focus on your overall sleep health. When you are feeling stuck come back to this guide and try another method to see if your energy improves!


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