How the Use of Cannabis Started in the Medical Field

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The use of cannabis as a medical treatment is almost as old as the history of human civilization. In fact, the first recorded uses of marijuana to treat various conditions date back thousands of years. This article will explore the history of cannabis use and how it has evolved into modern-day medical marijuana.

The Earliest Use of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes

The history of cannabis for medicinal use can be traced back to 202 BC to 220 AD, when people used cannabis for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabis was first used as a medicine during the reign of Chinese emperor Shen Nung in around 2800 BCE.

Besides China, the use of cannabis is also mentioned in historical texts of Indians, Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans. In India, cannabis was used to treat various illnesses, from insomnia and rheumatism to gout and malaria. While historians have debated whether or not cannabis was an ingredient in wine during this time, it’s clear that both beverages were part of daily life in Ancient Persia.

In 1,000 BC, the Indians created a recreational drink with marijuana, milk, and other ingredients. The drink was called bhang. This drink is still used in India today during some festivals for recreational activities.

In North America, medical marijuana didn’t appear until 1606, when Portuguese explorer Francisco de Orellana discovered “Indian hemp” growing wild along one stretch of his journey down Amazon River tributaries. However, this discovery wasn’t made public until 1755, when Carl Linnaeus published his book Species Plantarum.

Cannabis Spread to Western Medicine in the 19th Century

The use of cannabis spread from Asia to Europe and finally to North America during the 19th century. Cannabis was used as medicine by many cultures, but it wasn’t until 1839 that it was first introduced as a medication in Western medicine.

In 1839, Dr. William O’Shaughnessy published his observations on Indian hemp (cannabis) in Calcutta Medical and Physical Journal. He had witnessed its use by British soldiers during his time in India, where he served as a surgeon. His article described how the plant relieved pain and could be used to treat muscle spasms, cramps, and convulsions.

Cannabis Spreads Throughout the U.S.A

The first medical report on cannabis appeared in The New York Medical Journal in 1843. But this didn’t mean that the medicinal use of marijuana was widely accepted or available throughout the country at that time.

For example, it wasn’t until 1914 that California passed laws allowing physicians to prescribe cannabis for medicinal purposes. Only those suffering from glaucoma were granted legal licenses to use the drug.

The 20th Century and Changing Attitudes Towards Marijuana

The 20th century changed attitudes towards marijuana used for medicinal purposes. In the early 1900s, cannabis was prescribed to treat nausea and glaucoma. It was also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and menstrual cramps in women.

However, by the 1960s, there was a shift in perspective on marijuana use due to public opinion and political movements such as hippies who used marijuana as part of their counterculture movement. When President Nixon signed The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 into law, it became illegal to have or grow any amount of cannabis.

President Nixon was in strong opposition to the use of cannabis. He recruited journalists and media executives to participate in something that can be called a war against drug abuse. He also created anti-drug use agencies to regulate the use of cannabis and other such drugs in the USA.

Medical Marijuana Today

Medical marijuana is a topic that has been in the news for some time now, and it seems like an excellent choice to touch on as it can be seen what the medical field has done with this plant in the past. First of all, let’s go over exactly what medical marijuana is.

Medical marijuana refers to cannabis and its extracts or derivatives as part of medical treatment. Many potential benefits are associated with using cannabis medicinally, but there are also some side effects.

Medical marijuana is available in various forms, such as dried leaves, oils, tinctures, or pills. Different consumption methods depend on the treated condition or the user’s preferences.

Medical marijuana can be used for many different things depending on your state. Some common uses include:

  • Relieving pain caused by multiple sclerosis
  • Treating nausea after chemotherapy
  • Reducing pressure inside the eyes due to glaucoma
  • Reducing muscle spasms caused by epilepsy
  • Decreasing seizures caused by epilepsy
  • Relieving symptoms associated with Tourette syndrome (tics)
  • Suppressing appetite when trying to lose weight
  • Treating nausea from cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Increasing appetite after surgery or during recovery from an injury
  • Relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

In 1996, California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. This inspired other states to consider legislation that would help sick people while providing new revenue sources for state and local governments.

By 2013, Colorado, Alaska, Washington and Oregon had legalized cannabis for adult use. Since then, 33 states have passed legislation to legalize some form of cannabis use, with 11 states legalizing cannabis for recreational use.

The drug’s popularity has led to a boom in the cannabis industry. In 2021, sales of legal cannabis reached $25 billion. This growth is projected to continue at least through 2026, when it’s estimated that legal marijuana sales will reach $52.6 billion.

The cannabis industry’s growth has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Cannabis-related businesses, including dispensaries and cultivation facilities, have popped up nationwide. An increasing number of companies also provide services to these businesses, such as software applications for tracking inventory and sales.

Final Words

Medical marijuana is not just a fad. It’s been around for centuries and will continue to be used in medical practices for years to come. The only difference now is that modern medicine has provided more information about how it works and what effects it can have on patients with different conditions. The technology to make it easier and more convenient is now available. There are more options than ever before, including cannabis-based products that can help with many conditions.

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