How to Find the Best Nursing Services?

Very often it is difficult to get the desired care at home. In most cases, these services are limited and do not always correspond to your specific needs. That is why you should consider personal paid home care. But what is it and why may it be the best option for you? Let’s figure this out!

Simply put, skilled nursing services in Nassau, NY are a perfect possibility to get home care for your old person. This allows you to live the way you want, without looking back. You can easily adjust it to your needs. In contrast to the usual home care services, personal paid care services are much more individual, reliable, and efficient.

Nursing services will suit many patients. The most common category is elderly or disabled. They will receive all necessary assistance and support regardless of the circumstances. For instance, Galaxy Home Care offers a huge range of services specifically made for those who need them most. They know how to provide comfortable and reliable care.

Main duties of a nurse

Caring for the elderly is a hard and responsible job that requires patience. Medical, domestic, psychological, and other problems must be addressed. It is important to constantly monitor the patient to notice any changes in time.

The main responsibilities of a nurse include:

  • purchase of products and medicines;
  • supervision of daily routine and recreation;
  • changing and washing bedding and underwear, washing outerwear;
  • control of medication intake;
  • observation of the physical and psychological condition of the ward;
  • organization of walks, escort;
  • cleaning and making food;
  • friendly communication;
  • help during meals and much more.

What you need to consider when choosing a nurse

Before you start looking for a suitable caregiver, you need to talk to your elder, and take into account their wishes and physical well-being.

Skilled nursing assistance may be needed for different purposes:

  • for walking;
  • to monitor the timely taking of medicines and adherence to the diet;
  • to help in the household;
  • for hygienic procedures and much more.

Only a responsible specialist who is ready to act correctly in a stressful situation can cope with the tasks. The psychological stability of a nurse is also important, since caring for pensioners is difficult. There are several groups of care specialists.


Companion services are in demand among lonely people who lack attention and care. The specialist provides psychological support, motivates and inspires the subject, and helps to organize leisure. Such nurses also provide regular hygiene, sanitation, and medical care.


In this case, the employee must supervise the administration of medicines, perform other sanitary and hygienic procedures, and treat the skin from bedsores if the elderly person is unable to move independently. The housekeeper must clean the premises, help to go for walks, and organize leisure.

Medical nurse

Medical nurses provide proof of medical education, as they must carry out the necessary manipulations by following the recommendations of the doctor. This specialist is also skilled in hygienic procedures.

For the elderly, a great role is played by moral support, especially if there are not always relatives. It’s important for them to feel needed by other people, to communicate, and to have fun. Luckily, Galaxy Home Care can help you with this and give the best care to your loved one.

Discuss all necessary tasks with a nurse

Talk to the caregiver about how many times a day the patient should be fed, and how often the nurse has to change the position of the patient to eliminate the risk of bedsores. Make an accent on what drugs the nurse should give the patient during the day in which the hour, before or after the meal. If the elder is on medication, ask the nurse to record this on a special form. This will avoid taking drugs that your mother recommended to take, for example, a neighbor on the landing.

Make sure the caregiver knows how to care for special devices (gastrostomy, tracheostomy, urinary catheter, etc.) if the patient uses them. Moreover, it is recommended to write down all the tasks of the nurse on a special form, ask the nurse to re-read it, and put the signature.

Unfortunately, not all caregivers know the rules of medical ethics. Instead of minimizing the risks of falling a patient, some caregivers tie patients to their beds. In no case should this be done, the fixation may cause moral damage to the patient, and at the site of fixation, wounds may be developed. In addition, the elder may be injured when trying to leave the bed.

Do not be afraid to ask nurses directly what they will do with your relative in order to eliminate the risk of falling. Say that you are against the fixation and ask caregivers not to do it.

Also, be with your elder for the first few days when the nurse comes. This way you can protect the patient from actions that may cause unintentional harm. And you will also be there if the specialist has questions. Of course, before leaving a caregiver alone with your relative, make sure you trust them.

Tell the nurse the biography of your old person

The caregiver should know what your elder liked in the past, before the development of the disease. Out of respect for the age, ask the nurse to help the elder keep the routine. If the nurse knows the details of the life of your relative, and you are friendly to her, this does not mean that the caregiver has become a member of your family. The nurse takes care of the patient because it is their job. The specialist can behave in a friendly manner, and understand the wishes of the patient, and a trusting relationship can develop between them. Yet, nurses should always put their duties first.


Older relatives often require care and assistance in their daily lives. It is a difficult task that requires enormous patience, free time, and special skills. Not everyone has the opportunity to provide full care for a loved one at an age. The only solution for many is to find a nurse for the elderly person. Today, you have discovered how to choose skilled nursing services in Nassau, NY. Hopefully, our pieces of advice are helpful for you!

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