How To Protect Your Claim For Compensation After Being Hit By A Red-Light Runner

Medical Device News Magazine
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A red-light runner is someone who does not stop at a traffic signal. This can lead to accidents, which can cause injuries and even death. If you have been hit by a red-light runner, protecting your claim for compensation needs to be high on your priority list of things to do. Here are some ideas on how you can protect your claim for compensation after being hit by a red-light runner.

Gather Evidence From The Scene Of The Accident

Your claim won’t hold up in a Florida court without proper evidence. Luckily, red-light cameras in Tampa, FL have got your back on this. It’s the first, and most important piece of evidence you’ll need for your compensation claim.

You’ll also need to document the scene of the accident and gather as much information from witnesses as you can. Take photos of everything, including your injuries and vehicle damage. Use a camera phone to record videos of the scene right after an accident or injury has occurred.

Document The Damage To Your Vehicle

You have to document the damage that has been done to your vehicle. You want to have as much evidence of the damage that has been done in order to protect your claim for compensation after being hit by a red-light runner. Take photographs of all possible damages, including dents and scratches on both sides of the car along with any gouges or holes that are present on it. Also, take measurements so you can show how far things like curbs had scraped onto the undercarriage of your vehicle during this incident.


The more documentation there is supporting your claim, the easier it will be for an insurance company adjuster to determine what needs to be repaired or replaced following this accident.

Document Your Injuries

If you’ve been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, protecting your claim for compensation is essential. One of the best ways to do this is by documenting all injuries you’ve received in an incident report. Doing so will protect you later on down the road if there’s ever any doubt about how badly hurt or injured you were.

To be sure, get medical attention so that the doctor can determine the severity of your injuries. While you’re there, make sure to ask for documentation of the incident or accident and take notes on what happened. Another great idea is to speak with someone about how long it will be before you can return to work if necessary.

Keep All The Receipts

You have to show in court how much this has set you back, so make sure to keep all the receipts. This is where you can show how much your time was worth so it’s important to include what you would have been doing with that time had you not suffered an injury, as well as travel costs and anything else associated with being injured in an accident.

If another driver hits a pedestrian they are liable for compensation but since red-light runners do this on purpose, they’re considered more of a threat than just drivers who run through amber lights. This means there’s even less chance of them having insurance or being able to pay up if found guilty! So protecting yourself by keeping all the receipts is vital when it comes to protecting your claim for compensation after being hit by a red-light runner.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Bills from the mechanic who fixed your car
  • Lawyer fees
  • Medical bills
  • Travel costs

Get Information From Your Witnesses

Witnesses are one of the most important factors when protecting your claim for compensation after being hit by a red-light runner. The way you talk to them and the questions that you ask can make it easier or more difficult to protect your claim for compensation.

It’s important to note that there are times when witnesses will not want to give an official statement. However, be persistent in trying to gather as much information from them as possible. Some of them might even agree to testify in court if necessary, meaning they’ll be a valuable asset for you!

Get A Copy Of The Police Report

An official police report will also come in handy when protecting a claim for compensation after being hit by a red-light runner. It will be used as evidence of the accident and injuries caused, which is why it’s important to get your hands on one in order to protect your rights. Police will document all of the information about how and why you were hit, so it will be much easier to go through this process with their report.

Red-light runners are negligent and dangerous and can cause serious injuries and damage. That’s why you’ll need evidence that they broke the law as well as proof that they caused damage to your property and injuries to you or your loved ones. Keep all the receipts to show how much this all has set you back and get witnesses to testify on your behalf in court. Also, get a copy of a police report because an official statement means a lot when protecting a claim. Good luck and drive safely!

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