How to Write a Paper? A Guide for Students

Medical Device News Magazine
Medical Device News Magazine provides breaking medical device / biotechnology news. Our subscribers include medical specialists, device industry executives, investors, and other allied health professionals, as well as patients who are interested in researching various medical devices. We hope you find value in our easy-to-read publication and its overall objectives! Medical Device News Magazine is a division of PTM Healthcare Marketing, Inc. Pauline T. Mayer is the managing editor.

It is necessary to represent your reader and know in advance to whom the article is addressed. The author should write about what is unknown to others so that this unknown becomes as clear to the reader as to himself. The author of an original work should explain to the reader its most difficult parts. If it is a development of already known works, there is no point in making it difficult for the reader to retell them, but it is better to address him to the primary sources. It is important to show the author’s attitude to the published material, especially now, in connection with the wide use of the Internet. Therefore, analysis and synthesis are needed, as well as a critical attitude of the author to the materials at his disposal. Sometimes students find it difficult to write a paper on some subjects, so they have to ask for help. We recommend turning to WritingAPaper as it is one of the best services for academic assignments.


The author must strive to be unambiguously understood. To do so, he must follow certain rules:

  • Use only the most unambiguous terms;
  • Do not use a word that has two meanings without having determined which of them it will be used in;
  • Do not use one word with two meanings and do not use different words with one meaning.
  • Foreign-language terms should not be abused. As a rule, they are not synonyms of native words, there are usually semantic nuances between them. You should only invent new terms when you are talking about new, previously unknown phenomena.

Style of writing

In our opinion, a scientific article should be written in lively, figurative language, which always distinguishes scientific papers from non-scientific ones. Many serious scientific papers are written so interestingly that they read like a good detective novel.

The author of the article must work on the text until he has eliminated all ambiguities (this is not poetry, in which the “secret” meaning of poetry is allowed).

The author’s intuition is of great importance. Thus, if when re-reading an article, he has some discomfort from the phrase, you can use the following technique. Imagine that this phrase does not exist. Does it change anything in the article: lost logic, lost meaning? If not, feel free to cross out the phrase, no matter how beautiful it was.

How to write?

Any author who has published a dozen articles reaches a certain level of presentation. Two or three revisions of the originally article are enough for him. A novice author needs to get used to the idea that the real work on an article begins immediately after the first version is written. It is necessary to ruthlessly cross out everything unnecessary, to select correct expressions of thoughts, to remove all incomprehensible and double-meaning words, and perhaps three or four reworkings of the text may not be enough. If you need help editing your paper, contact the best essay writing service for expert help.

Many authors adhere to the following method of writing an article. First, you should write down everything that comes to mind at the moment. Let it be written badly, here it is the more important freshness of impression. After that, the draft is put on the desk, and forget about it for a while. And only then does the author’s editing begins: redoing, crossing out, and inserting new material. And so repeatedly. This work ends not when there is nothing left to add to the article, but when nothing can be thrown out of it anymore.


A well-done article is the logical conclusion of a completed paper. Therefore, along with improvement in research work, it is necessary to constantly learn how to write articles. To summarize. So how do you work on an article?

  • Determine whether you are ready to start writing an article and whether it can be published.
  • Make a detailed plan for the construction of the article.
  • Find all the necessary information and analyze it.
  • Write an introduction.
  • Work on the title of the article.
  • In the main body of the article, describe the methodology of the experiments, and the results obtained, and give their physical explanation.
  • Make a list of references.
  • Write an abstract.
  • Do the author’s editing. Reduce everything that does not carry useful information, and cross out unnecessary words, incomprehensible terms, and ambiguities.
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