Home NURSES Laudio Expands Work With Children’s National Hospital to Include Nurse Educators

Laudio Expands Work With Children’s National Hospital to Include Nurse Educators

Laudio, an innovator in frontline leader solutions that drive efficiency and engagement for health systems, today announced an expansion of its engagement with Children’s National Hospital, the leading pediatric health system in the Washington, DC area. The expansion will bring nurse educators at Children’s National onto the Laudio platform, building on the hospital’s original implementation with nurse managers in 2021.

Tom Hills, EVP of Client Engagement at Laudio…

“Setting nurses up for success, supporting them effectively, and ultimately retaining them requires increasingly proactive, comprehensive strategies. We are excited to welcome nurse educators at Children’s National into the Laudio community.”

The Laudio platform centralizes frontline leaders’ core workflows, automates repetitive tasks, and fosters meaningful team engagement. Unique, AI-driven recommendations help leaders prioritize high-impact opportunities with their teams and take action efficiently. Children’s National first implemented the platform during the pandemic, seeking innovative ways to relieve mounting pressure on managers and prevent burnout more broadly. The hospital has continued to use the platform to support this critical role and is extending it to nurse educators for a more holistic approach.

Children’s National has also used the unique data available through Laudio Insights, Laudio’s research arm. Last year, Dr. King published “Using Real-Time Data to Mitigate Nurse Burnout” with Laudio Insights President, Tim Darling. The article, published in Nurse Leader, focused on leveraging technology to identify and intervene early on nurse burnout risk.

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