Medical Device News Posts

Peri-Strips Dry With Secure Grip Technology for Reliable Staple Line Reinforcement in Surgical Procedures Launched

Baxter International Reports Peri-Strips Dry with Veritas Collagen Matrix (PSDV) Product known as PSDV with Secure Grip Receives FDA Clearance

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Medical Device News Magazine provides breaking medical device / biotechnology news. Our subscribers include medical specialists, device industry executives, investors, and other allied health professionals, as well as patients who are interested in researching various medical devices. We hope you find value in our easy-to-read publication and its overall objectives! Medical Device News Magazine is a division of PTM Healthcare Marketing, Inc. Pauline T. Mayer is the managing editor.

Wil Boren, president of Baxter’s Advanced Surgery business said, “We continue to advance innovation by providing surgeons tools that are faster and easier to use in the operating room.”  He added, “As surgical procedures are becoming more complex, it is important that surgeons have the tools they need to optimize patient care.”

Despite the sophistication of modern stapling technology used in bariatric procedures, staple line complications that result in high morbidity and mortality persist. The most prevalent complications are staple line bleeding and leaks. While the incidence of these complications is low, the impact can be clinically debilitating for the patient and costly to address.2

Peri-Strips Dry With Secure Grip Technology (PSDV) is proven to effectively reduce intraoperative and postoperative staple line bleeds and leaks in routine bariatric procedures such as a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass. A 2015 meta-analysis extracted data from 295 studies predominantly comprised of morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy to include nearly 42,000 patients concerning bleeds and over 56,000 patients concerning leaks. PSDV showed statistically significant greater relative efficacy in reducing bleeding and leaks when compared to no staple line reinforcement, oversewing, and another staple line reinforcement product.2

PSDV with Secure Grip is applied to the surgical stapler via a pressure-sensitive adhesive strip. The new generation of PSDV provides strong adherence to the stapler, allowing surgeons to easily manipulate tissue. In a recent Staple Line Reinforcement Comparison study,1 30 bariatric nurses and surgical technicians evaluated stapler preparation time, ease of use and learnability of the PSDV with Secure Grip versus other options. Participants unanimously chose PSDV with Secure Grip as the most preferred staple line reinforcement material in the operating room.

PSDV with Secure Grip is available now to Baxter customers.

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