Philips Spotlights Smart Diagnostic & RX Solutions at ESC 2021

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Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced the launch of its digital experience during the virtual European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2021 Congress, taking place August 27-30, during which it will showcase its latest suite of solutions to help improve outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease by enabling quick, confident diagnoses, and efficient, effective treatments. During the congress, Philips will demonstrate its continued leadership in cardiology across its integrated portfolio of solutions throughout the entire cardiac care journey, from early detection, diagnosis and treatment, to long-term follow-up.

Cardiovascular disease has become the number one healthcare challenge globally and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide [1]. The costs associated with cardiovascular diseases are rising significantly, with an expected growth in cost of 101% by 2035 [2]. The demands on cardiology departments are higher than ever before, forcing clinicians to balance the delivery of high-quality care for a growing volume of complex patients, while dealing with the pressures to improve departmental efficiency at the same time. Definitive diagnostics, innovative procedures and personalized patient management are essential to help address these most challenging demands.

“From emergency care to diagnosis and treatment, to care into the home, cardiac care teams need the right information and support available at their fingertips across the entire cardiac patient journey,” said Bert van Meurs, Chief Business Leader of Image Guided Therapy at Philips. “Philips is uniquely positioned to integrate imaging, devices, software, informatics and services at each point in a cardiac patient’s journey to help deliver results now, while positioning for future success. At this year’s ESC virtual congress, we continue our longstanding leadership in cardiology, as we demonstrate the latest smart solutions to help improve the precision diagnosis and effective treatment for patients in cardiac care, driving better outcomes and lower cost while improving the patient and staff experience.”

Philips cardiology experience at the Virtual ESC 2021 Congress
Visitors to the Philips virtual experience during ESC will see how Philips’ solutions help strengthen clinical confidence with robust data and advanced technologies to give insight to provide the right care at the right time, improving outcomes for even the most complex patients. Building efficiency throughout the care pathway, Philips is streamlining communication between devices and systems to identify and address operational improvements to optimize resources and help reduce costs. By improving cardiac care experiences with user-friendly tools and streamlined workflows, Philips is helping relieve pain points for staff and enhancing comfort for patients.

Technology highlights in diagnostic and treatment solutions at this year’s virtual ESC congress include:

  • Philips Spectral CT 7500 for advanced cardiac imaging. The new Philips Spectral CT 7500, designed to support diagnosis, builds on Philips’s strong reputation in cardiac imaging by delivering fast cardiac scans with excellent coronary vessel visualization, and now layers of spectral information for every exam. The spectral detector allows the Spectral CT 7500 to be the only system that will acquire spectral cardiac data in the same time and place for all patients, from pediatrics to bariatrics. This latest intelligent system has demonstrated a 34% reduction in time to diagnosis [3], a 25% reduction in repeat scans and a 30% reduction in follow-up scans [4] compared to conventional CT. The time-saving spectral workflow is fully integrated, enabling spectral chest scans. Intelligent workflows of Philips IntelliSpace Portal simplify advanced vessel analysis, comprehensive cardiac assessment, lung nodule assessment, and transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) to expand cardiac and ED trauma capabilities.
  • New innovations in ultrasound enhance clinical efficiency and diagnostic confidence. Philips’ new echo imaging, quantification, and tele-health technologies help improve clinical confidence, automate repetitive tasks, and remotely and securely connect clinicians and patients. Philips brings together the EPIQ CVx and Affiniti CVx ultrasound platforms, TOMTEC advanced analysis, Collaboration Live remote decision support and Philips multi-modality image and information management solutions (IntelliSpace Cardiovascular) in an end-to-end workflow, for a fully integrated experience in echocardiography.
  • Improved workflow and patient focus in image guided procedures. Philips will demonstrate the integration of its Interventional Hemodynamic System and market-leading portable Patient Monitor IntelliVue X3, providing advanced hemodynamic (blood flow) measurements at the tableside in the cath lab and continuous monitoring of key vital signs throughout the patient journey [5]. The integration provides the opportunity for monitoring during image-guided procedures on the Philips Image Guided Therapy System – Azurion, improving workflow with comprehensive patient records that support timely clinical decision-making during interventional cardiology procedures and beyond.
  • Cardiology informatics solutions drive actionable insights to enhance cardiology care. Philips Cardiovascular Informatics solution provides a consistent end-to-end intuitive workflow for easy access to a patient’s cardiovascular pathway. By connecting and integrating disparate clinical systems across the enterprise, the cardiology care team can make fast clinical decisions based on the data when and where it is needed. Philips cardiology informatics solutions, smart intelligent algorithms and predictive analytics work seamlessly to help optimize patient throughput.

Advanced cardiac monitoring from the hospital into the home
Philips cardiac care solutions and BioTelemetry’s leading remote cardiac patient monitoring  have transformed the cardiac care pathway. Now, individuals with complex co-morbidities can emerge from a cardiac event or procedure to live independently with the confidence of 24/7 clinical oversight with advanced cardiac monitoring including monitoring of wearables and implantable devices for a complete end-to-end solution across acute and non-acute settings, from the hospital into the home.

Philips hosted webinars and symposia sessions during ESC 2021
ESC delegates can join Dr. Roberto Lang of the University of Chicago Medicine, along with Dr. Pepe Zamorano of the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain and Dr. Eric Saloux with Coen University Hospital, France during an Ultrasound Satellite Symposia session on August 28 at 8:00AM CET, as they present results on new imaging technologies under investigation. ESC attendees can also join Dr. Tim Leiner, Professor of Radiology at Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, who will share the latest results and advantages of cardiovascular imaging with the next generation Spectral CT 7500.

On August 27 at 10:00AM CET, Dr. Borja Ibáñez, Director of Clinical Research of the National Center Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Spain will also be presenting results from ultra-fast cardiac MR scanning, reducing MRI evaluation of the heart to a few minutes. Visit the Philips ESC Engagement Hub for the full list of Philips hosted webinars throughout the event.

For more information, join the Philips virtual experience at ESC 2021. Visit and the Philips Press Backgrounder for more information on Philips full suite of integrated imaging, devices, software, informatics and services enhancing precision heart care. And join @PhilipsLiveFrom to follow Philips for updates throughout the event.

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