Qualities You Need to Look for When Hiring a Nurse

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Nursing is a growing profession, there are approximately three million Registered Nurses(RNs) working in the United States yet the demand for nursing workforce has been predicted to rocket from three million in 2019 to 3.3 million in 2029. The increased demand for nurses has placed a lot of pressure on recruiters and employers to recruit highly skilled nurses to help manage their patients; however, there are certain skills that these employers look out for when hiring nurses. It is true that nursing is a self-gratifying profession, it also comes with its own challenges, therefore a nurse needs to be equipped with some particular skill-sets in order to ensure a smooth and running healthcare system. Here are the qualities you need to look for when hiring a nurse.

1. Empathy

Empathy is believed to be the bedrock of the nursing profession. For a nurse to effectively carry out her role, she must be empathetic. Empathy should not be confused with sympathy as the former means to put yourself in the shoes/situation of your neighborhood while the latter means understanding an individual’s predicament from your own point of view. Good nurses prioritize their patients and share in their pain, joy, excitement, and grief. It is important to note that empathy can be learned.

2. Emotional stability

As mentioned above, nursing can be mentally challenging and it doesn’t come without powerful emotions ranging from joy, grief, depression, satisfaction, fulfillment, surprise, and frustration. Some days are better than others and it is important for a nurse to be emotionally stable in order not fall victim to depression or other psychological problems.

3. Communication skills

One of the most important qualities to look for when hiring nurses is their communication skills. Communication is therapeutic and smart nurses should know when to employ this skill to their advantage. For example, something as simple as a smile could lift the spirit of a depressed patient. In addition to this, the nurse stands as a liaison between the physician, the patient, and their relatives, thereby enhancing the quality of care rendered. Documentation as a means of communication serves as an important point of reference in the incidence of malpractice and negligence.

4. Detail-oriented

Another thing an employer should be attentive to when hiring nurses is how much they pay attention to details. Nursing duties revolve around calculating drug doses, administration of drugs, especially dangerous drugs, observing the progress of their patient’s health, and making reports when necessary. With the dearth of nursing staff in healthcare, the Sweden-based specialists at Agila vårdbemanning recommend that active quality and service work help in satisfying the growing demand for nursing service in healthcare. All these require enhanced attention to detail.

5.  Caring

Despite being the last point on this list, it is an extremely important skill. The whole essence of nursing is caring. Nurses must be caring and sensitive to the needs of their patients. There needs to be a relationship established between the patient and the nurse in order for them to trust their carer. Therefore, a nurse’s caring nature will make patients believe they are safer and in good hands.

Nursing is a noble profession and should be treated as such. There are thousands of other skills that nurses must possess but the aforementioned covers the fundamental skills needed in real-life experiences. When looking to hire nurses, these are the qualities to look for.

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