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The Role Of Genetics And Age In The Time It Takes To Grow Glutes

Are you unhappy with how your efforts to develop the ideal glutes are going? Age and genetics may be contributing factors. Our genetic makeup and the natural degeneration of our bodies can make it harder to achieve the ideal body type.

But anyone can make progress toward their glute goals with the right training and nutrition. Let’s delve into the interesting interplay between heredity and age as we seek the ideal buns.

The 2 Main Factors in Growth Time of the Glutes

Several factors affect how quickly your glutes grow. The two most significant factors are genetics and age.


Your genes will determine how your body grows. Your buttocks, waist, and hips influence this. Even if they don’t try, some people’s buttocks can be shaped by their natural hip width.

Your genetic makeup can influence your metabolism. Some people have naturally high metabolic rates, making it easier to lose weight without making major dietary changes. However, gaining muscle is not always easy because your body requires more calories than usual to fuel muscle-building.

Our genes determine which areas of our bodies accumulate fat. Some people have their fat distributed toward their buttocks, making them appear larger, while others have it distributed toward their midsection, making their buttocks smaller.

Despite claims to the contrary, it is impossible to tell where fat loss occurs during a fat loss phase. We need to lose weight, and our bodies will prioritize the location of that fat loss.

Genetics also has a significant impact on muscle-building potential. Even if two athletes follow the same regimen and eat the same diet, the rate at which they gain muscle may differ.


Even though we hate to admit it, age plays a big role in how long does it take to grow glutes. Younger people typically experience faster glute growth than older people. As we age, our bodies produce less testosterone, a hormone essential for muscle growth.

Age-related reductions in testosterone production can make adding muscle, particularly the glutes, more challenging.

Older individuals may have a harder time recovering from workouts, which can impede the growth of the glutes. Because your muscles repair and strengthen during recovery, it is a crucial step in muscle-building.

The Most Practical Workouts for Faster Growth


Squats are considered one of the most effective exercises for developing larger glutes. To begin a squat, place your feet about shoulder-width apart and point your toes outwards slightly. Keep your back straight as you sit back into a chair, bringing your knees to meet or exceed your ankles.

Hip Thrust

You can get a fuller, rounder bottom by doing hip thrusts, an excellent exercise for strengthening the glutes. Position yourself on the ground with your back against a bench or step to perform a hip thrust. Put a barbell or other weight on your hips, and then thrust your hips upwards.


Lunges are a fantastic lower body exercise because they target the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. A lunge is accomplished by taking a forward step with one foot and bending forward until the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Right yourself and do it again on the other side.

The Deadlift

Stronger legs can be yours with the help of deadlifts, a compound exercise that strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Position the barbell in front of you while standing with your feet hip-width apart. Get down on all fours, grab the bar with both hands, and heave the load to your shoulders.

Other vital components of Maximizing Glute Gains

You need to do more than just focus on exercises to get the most out of your efforts to build your glutes. Other factors can help you on your glute gain journey like:


A surplus of calories and enough protein are needed to build muscle, so you must eat enough overall to support muscle growth and aim to consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. To get the desired glute gains, you must eat a diet that is well-balanced and rich in whole foods.


Some supplements may speed up your glute gains, though they should never replace a balanced diet and regular exercise. Examples include creatine, which has been shown to increase muscle size and strength, and beta-alanine, which can enhance stamina and muscular performance.

Exercises Without Weights

Weights are not required to get an excellent glute workout. Squats, lunges, and glute bridges are examples of weightless glute growth exercises that can be just as effective as weighted exercises if done correctly and with proper glute muscle contraction. Adding resistance bands or ankle weights can make your bodyweight exercises more challenging.

Realistic Butt Growth Timeline

Be patient and set reasonable goals for your progress because muscle gain takes time. It wouldn’t be noteworthy if gaining muscle mass were an easy process.

Most fitness experts concur that it takes approximately 12 weeks of consistent training to see noticeable changes in one’s glutes, although genetics, age, and fitness level, as we talked about, all play a role.

Breaking Through the Barrier and Overcoming growth plateau

Gluteal growth often slows or stops after a few months of consistent training. When this happens, no matter how hard you work out, your muscles will eventually stop responding to the stimulus, and you will stop seeing results. But have no fear; there are means of overcoming this annoying difficulty.

To begin, try varying your workout routine by performing different exercises, lifting heavier weights, performing more repetitions, or performing your workouts separately. This will provide new and challenging stimulation for your muscles, helping you to improve and develop.

Overtraining and lack of rest are also significant contributors to stunted glute growth, so it’s essential to strike a balance between the two. Make sure to give your muscles the time they need to repair and grow after a workout. The process is greatly aided by resting regularly and sleeping for a minimum of seven to eight hours nightly.


The time it takes to grow your glutes depends on several factors, mainly genetics and age, as well as your training and diet discipline. While you can expect noticeable changes in your glutes after 12 weeks of consistent training, the timeline might vary depending on your circumstances. You must perform glute-specific exercises, eat enough calories and protein, and get enough rest for the fastest way to grow a butt.

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