The Ultimate Guide To Preparing Your Child For Their First Dental Visit

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Dental visits are essential for your child, especially since their teeth are still developing. It can help them have a cheerful smile and maintain healthy and strong teeth. Remember, children eat a lot of sugary snacks, which could easily lead to tooth cavities. So, even though you may postpone the appointments out of fear that your child is still young, you may wait until it’s too late.

Going for early dental visits also helps your child get accustomed to dental visits. But the hassle comes in getting your child to pediatric dentistry appointments. Any doctor’s appointment usually scares kids because they equate these visits to getting shots, making them very anxious and nervous.

That’s why you need to prepare for the session adequately to make it enjoyable and worthwhile for your child. Below is a guide to preparing your child for their first dental visit:

  • Find A Suitable Dentist   

The first thing you must do is find the right dentist for your child. It’d help if you get one with vast experience in children’s dentistry and pediatric care. Thus, don’t settle on any dentist you meet. Take your time searching until you find someone you and your child can be comfortable with. The dentists should have certificates indicating they’re qualified to conduct dental care for their patients. They should be patient and child friendly. Also, don’t solely make appointments online; visit the dentist in person to assess their clinics.

A dedicated dentist will go out of their way to make the clinic better with exciting children’s items to make your kid comfortable. So, check if they have a Television, games, or toys in their facility. They may seem trivial considerations, but they’re critical for kids. When the dentist’s clinic is designed for a child’s needs, it’ll make them relax and open up quickly during the visit.

With that in mind, you can find such dedicated dentists at or similar websites who can help your child start their dental care on the right track with highly qualified dentists. Besides, since it’s someone who’ll work with your child for a long time, you need a supportive and positive environment for your child.

  • Start An Early Appointment  

It’s advisable to take them for dental appointments before your child is older. Early visits are good because it helps your child have their teeth checked regularly, enabling them to develop healthy teeth from a younger age. It’ll also allow them to get acquainted with particular dentists and work with them continually. Thus, start the appointments as early as possible when your child starts teething. That’s as early as six months when the central incisors appear.

  • Inform Your Child About The Appointment  

Children are very cautious about new environments, especially the doctor’s clinic. Therefore, you should refrain from ambushing your child with a visit to the dentist. They need to be adequately prepared.

Otherwise, they may get too cranky, making it difficult for the dentist to do their work. Thus, it’d help if you told your child about the upcoming appointment early so they can understand what will happen.

Doing this can help your child get over their anxiety in time. Answer any questions they ask, so they can go to the doctor prepared.

  • Pick A Favorable Appointment Time 

Once you find the right dentist for your child, speak to them about the vacant slots in their schedule. You’d want to book an appointment early in the morning when your child is energetic and upbeat and can do what the dentist tells them to do. If you make appointments in the afternoons or evenings, your child might be sleepy and throw a lot of tantrums at the dentist’s office, making it difficult for the dentist to do their job.

Thus, do it when your little one is in a good mood so they can be open and happy to give the dentists an easier time to do their examinations.

  • Explain The Importance Of Dental Care  

Children can be more inclined to attend dentist appointments if you explain why it’s crucial. Thus, you can tell them that dental visits are essential because:

  • It helps prevent gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, which could cause permanent damage to the teeth.
  • The doctor can teach them how to brush their teeth correctly to avoid tooth decay.
  • It assists in ensuring their teeth grow healthily and properly.
  • It can help your child avoid pain from chronic toothaches.
  • The doctors can spot the cavities earlier and treat them.

Also, explain to your child that having healthy teeth enables them to have cheerful smiles and protects against stains and cavities. These teeth problems derail your child’s self-esteem if not avoided because other kids may make fun of them.

  • Show Videos And Pictures Of The Tools The Dentist Will Use 

The internet makes it easier for you and your child to find dentistry videos online. While watching the videos, show your child some of the equipment the dentists will use for the examinations to prepare them adequately. And your child can be calm once they see the tools the dentist is planning to use in the appointment. You can also view various dentist websites to visit the clinic’s environment.

You can see various photos of the dentist’s office and the staff in relevant books and magazines. It’ll give your child a clear picture of the office’s appearance and what to expect during the visit.

  • Role Play The Dentist At Home 

Children can quickly understand the need to go to the dentist when you play it out like a game. They’ll view the process as a game once you get to the clinic.

There are different games you can play. For instance, you can tell your child to open their mouth and check their teeth while making comments. You can even look for dentists’ toys like torches and use them during playouts. Or you can buy a mirror for your child, and then you practice counting their teeth with them.

You can also have your child brush their teeth, and you pretend to be the dentist watching as they do it. During the play, explain to your child the reason for the game and what is essential to do daily regarding dental hygiene. You can also have them role-play with their favorite toy in their free time. 

  • Take Your Child For A Tour At The Dental Office  

If you have the time, take your child from a pre-visit to the dentist’s office so they can see what the hospital looks like. It’s an excellent exercise if your child is often anxious about new surroundings. It’ll enable your child to see the hospital’s setting, environment, and staff. They can also meet the dentist, so they’ll make a conversation easily on the day of the appointment.

  • Ensure Your Child Has Eaten And Rested Well 

When your child is hungry and tired, they’ll give the dentist a difficult time because they won’t be productive during the visit. Therefore, before you leave the house, ensure your child has rested enough and has eaten. An active and satisfied child can make the appointments manageable.

  • Tell Your Child To Brush Their Teeth  

Ensure your child brushes their teeth in the morning before you get to the dentist’s office. It’ll enable the session to proceed smoothly because the teeth will be clean, and the doctor can examine them and check for any problems. The dentist can also see the kind of oral hygiene your child is indulging in and whether they’re brushing their teeth the way they’re supposed to. So, check your child’s teeth before leaving the house to the dentist’s office.  

  • Tell Your Child What To Expect At The Dentist  

You can tell your child that the dentist will check them by asking them to open their mouth to see if the teeth are growing and forming correctly. Suppose the dentists notice any problem like tooth decay, tongue ties, gum disease, or indication of injuries. They’ll suggest performing various procedures like surgery on your child to help remove the cavities, align their teeth, or whiten them if they notice some stains.

And after treatment, the dentist can then make recommendations on what your child is supposed to do. They can suggest that your child do the following:

  • Eat healthy foods and drinks to help their teeth stay strong. Your dentist will tell your child to eat vegetables, fruits, and proteins. They can also tell your child to avoid eating a lot of sugary foods.
  • Properly brush and floss the teeth to rid them of plaque.
  • Use an appropriate toothpaste and toothbrush that’ll be friendly to the gums and teeth.
  • Ways of alleviating teething discomfort should your child experience them.

Dentists may take only a little time during the first visit because they’re still getting acquainted with your kid. It’s a chance to get to know one another. After that, the doctor may spend more time on the actual treatment.

  • Take Older Siblings Along For Dental Visits  

You can tag your kid’s older siblings to the dentist’s office. Usually, kids feel relaxed when in the company of familiar faces. The little talks and games they engage in while heading to the dentist’s clinic significantly aid in de-stressing them.

  1. Carry Their Favorite Toy To The Appointment

Children can feel relaxed when they have something familiar in the vicinity that reminds them of home. It could be a stuffed animal, toy car, doll, or video game on a laptop. Your child can focus more when they hold something they love while the dentist speaks to them. So, ensure you carry their favorite fun items to the appointments. 

  • Create A Tradition Around Dental Visits 

To make the experience more enjoyable, create a memorable experience that your child will always associate with the dentist visit. For instance, you can set a custom dressing for every visit to the dentist’s office, perhaps their most liked outfit. The fun they derive from wearing their favorite clothes will make them long for appointments. 

  • Speak Positively, Be Patient, And Cheer Them Up  

It’d help if you spoke to your child calmly about the visit and told them positive things that happened in the dentist’s office. Even when the visit isn’t going well after the preparations, let your child know it’s okay to be afraid and nervous the first time; it’ll get better next time. You can motivate them and celebrate the little milestones they’ve managed to make.

Such reaffirmations will encourage your child to attend the appointments, and you can continually look for ways to improve their experience. Even if your child seems a little bit resistant, don’t push them; you should let them calm down because if you use harsh words, they may become impatient and fidgety.

On the same note, be patient during the visit because your kids can pick up on your anxiety when they see it on your face. Of course, you may dread injections, as many adults do. But don’t allow your kid to know your fears. Wear a collected look and a cheerful glow on your face, and the positive energy will roll over to your child.  

  • Look Forward To Follow-Up Visits  

Since dental visits will become more routine, you should prepare your child for the next visit early. You can continually speak to them about the importance of dentists and their past experiences when they visited the dentists. You can remind them of the treats they received, a new toothbrush or flavored toothpaste.

When your children constantly know the visit is helpful for their health, they won’t give you a difficult time when you plan to visit the next time.


Dental visits are essential because they help your child know what to do to ensure their teeth always stay healthy. The dentists can also check for budding problems and suggest treatments for the dental issues before they cause permanent damage to your child’s teeth. So, start by finding the right dentist, then explain the importance of dental checkups to your child. If you prepare your child effectively, they’ll be happy to visit the dentist and always look forward to future visits.


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