Medical Device News Magazine

Top Common Skin Issues And How To Effectively Prevent Them

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Medical Device News Magazine
Medical Device News Magazine provides breaking medical device / biotechnology news. Our subscribers include medical specialists, device industry executives, investors, and other allied health professionals, as well as patients who are interested in researching various medical devices. We hope you find value in our easy-to-read publication and its overall objectives! Medical Device News Magazine is a division of PTM Healthcare Marketing, Inc. Pauline T. Mayer is the managing editor.

The skin may be seen as a simple and basic organ of the human body, but it is also one of the first things people see and judge about you. When you think about other bodily functions like breathing and circulation, they are not evident unless someone suddenly stops breathing or has a heart attack. However for skin, what you look like is crucial because your skin reflects your health and hygiene to many people. This article will focus on common skin issues and how to prevent them.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are not generally considered to be a serious problem, but they are painful because the scar tissue that forms is thick and tender. They can become redder if irritated too much. Stretch marks happen when rapidly growing skin stretches beyond its limits and becomes damaged, usually right beneath the surface of your skin’s top layer. There are many products advertised as being able to prevent or reduce stretch marks, but it is important to first find out what exactly brought on these kinds of scars in the first place.

For example, some women get stretch marks during pregnancy due to their bodies expanding quickly with new cells which need room under their skins. Once the baby is born these cells do not go away so you will have those extra layers of skin underneath the surface. This can result in stretch marks if your skin’s elasticity is not strong enough to keep up with the changes. If these kinds of scars are brought about by pregnancy then it would be wise to talk to a dermatologist about getting cosmetic dermatology treatments like a corticotherapy treatment that uses steroid injections into these spots that reduce inflammation and scar tissue formation. The steroids work well because they inhibit the skin cells that are causing these kinds of scars to grow rapidly.


Acne is partly genetic, but what you eat can help keep your hormones balanced so you won’t experience as many breakouts. Cut down on foods high in sugar and dairy products, both of which can cause an imbalance in hormones and therefore lead to more breakouts later. Avoiding these food types is not the only way to manage acne, eating well-balanced meals containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables helps as well! These fresh foods contain enzymes that can help keep your skin clear and balanced.

It can also come down to poor hygiene. Most people are not used to washing their face more than once a day since they tend to shower in the morning and sleep at night. This leaves oil on the face that accumulates throughout the day until you wash your face before bedtime. The more you go without thoroughly washing your face, the more severe acne will seem to get. You need to shower first thing in the morning with warm water and a gentle cleanser that does not dry out your skin too much in order to ensure you wash away all bacteria and oil from your pores in order for them to not get backed up.

Pigmentation and Sun Spots

Top Common Skin Issues Article

When people get older their skin tends to lose its elasticity and less collagen gets produced in the body. This results in thinner skin that more easily becomes damaged by sunlight. When this happens it makes older people’s skin more likely to develop pigmented spots due to sun damage over time, also known as age spots or liver spots. To prevent these from occurring it is best to stay out of direct sunlight between 10 AM-2 PM since this is when the sun rays are most intense.

It is also recommended to wear sunscreen with at least SPF 50 during those times of day, but you should also wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face from the sun. If you have always been sensitive to sunlight it is recommended that you use a moisturizer with anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C for an even better layer of protection.


Dermatitis is uncomfortable and can be extremely painful. It is an inflammation of the skin that usually presents itself with red, flaky patches on the surface or blisters that ooze, burn, itch or sting. There are many different types of dermatitis that come about due to things like certain fabrics rubbing against your skin too much which irritates it. Some people get dermatitis from exposure to chemicals in their work environment, for example, if they deal with dyes a lot as a hairdresser or chemical dyes as a photographer.

You can use hand creams to prevent this, but if the dermatitis is not only on your hands it may be best to put a small amount of medication in all affected areas and see what happens after 24 hours since some medications work better than others depending on how bad the case of dermatitis is.

So, as you can see there are many afflictions that can affect your skin. The best way to deal with them is to prevent them from happening in the first place by taking good care of your skin and dealing with the issues before they become too much of a bother. It’s best to see a dermatologist for advanced issues.


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