Travel Nurses Can Stay Safe During This COVID-19 and Flu Season

Travel Nurses: Abbella Medical Staffing, a medical staffing agency specializing in travel nursing, announces ways that nurses can stay safe during this COVID-19 and flu season. “It’s super important that nurses take steps to care for themselves,” says Thomas Wambui, President of Abbella Medical Staffing, which is based in Baltimore. “It can be so easy for nurses to forget about self-care because they spend their days caring for others.”

One of the best ways to stay safe is to get the flu shot. Since travel nurses are around those who are sick most of the time, a flu shot will help boost their immune system so their bodies can fight off the germs they are exposed to on a regular basis. Getting the COVID-19 vaccination is also another way travel nurses can help fight germs and viruses this upcoming flu season.

Another great way to ward off the flu is to take steps while travel nurses are at work to minimize their exposure. Obviously, travel nurses will be exposed more than most since they work with ill patients. However, by doing simple things, such as providing face masks and hand sanitizer to patients, social distancing, and reminding patients of coughing into their elbows can go a long way to ensuring travel nurses stay healthy and happy. One more pro tip: don’t underestimate the value of signage, especially in waiting rooms. Patients are just sitting, so they will most likely read the walls. By posting visual reminders about proper hygiene, patients will be extra vigilant while they are in the healthcare facility.

Abbella Medical Staffing also recommends travel nurses keep up with their own personal health regimen. While eating the right foods can be difficult during the holiday season, staying on a balanced diet keeps the body healthy and the immune system strong. Obtaining adequate sleep and ensuring exercise is consistent helps to keep the body healthy and strong, too.

Travel nurses can further protect themselves from getting sick this flu season by ensuring their home environments are sanitized. They can wipe down surfaces and take precautions around family members. Plus, travel nurses should call in when they are feeling under the weather in order to minimize exposure to their colleagues.

Medical facilities themselves can help travel nurses by instituting policies and procedures that limit travel nurses to the exposure of germs as well. One great way is to manage and limit visitor access. While this policy may not be a popular one, it goes a long way in ensuring the health of travel nurses. Plus, travel nurses can adhere to all standard precautions, such as hand hygiene, wearing gloves and gowns, and more, which ensures germs stay at bay.

More news for nurses here.

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