Virtual Reality In Telehealth: Improving Therapy, Pain Management, and Medical Training | By Lindsay Dymowski Constantino, President Centennial Pharmacy Services

While virtual reality (VR) might seem like a novel technology to incorporate into healthcare, at least one portion of our field has been using it for 250 years. Simulation technology has long been instrumental in medical training since it makes failure safe while students practice key skills.

Over the past few decades, as VR technology has become more advanced, it has proven its utility to healthcare professionals and patients alike in more and more ways. Here’s a recap of the state of VR healthcare technology in 2025. In addition to medical training, VR is currently most commonly used for pain management and mental health treatment.

VR in medical training

In 1775, surgeon Philip Sarrazin created what might be regarded as the first VR medical training simulator out of cork and wax to teach students how to perform tracheostomies. This initial prototype inspired additional devices that allowed students to master even more sophisticated procedures.

While Sarrazin’s dummy windpipe might seem a long way away from today’s sleek VR headsets, the essential point is the same. Simulation technology opens up the possibility of making mistakes on high-stakes medical procedures without the negative consequences. Book learning and lectures can only go so far — VR gives people a hands-on way to learn, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Today’s VR immerses medical students in accurate, interactive scenarios that reproduce the real-world clinical environment. It presents safe, controlled environments for students to practice complicated procedures repeatedly, gaining confidence every time they get them right. This goes not only for surgeries but also for diagnostic procedures. Students can even practice their bedside manner in VR, confronting a variety of possible patient interactions.

Moreover, groups of students can convene via VR, work together on simulated cases, and build their communication and collaboration skills. Simulations can even put students through rare situations, giving them experience and confidence to adapt to the unexpected. In particular, lessons can focus on emergencies, preparing students to handle even the worst scenarios.

At the same time, VR can also decrease expenses. For instance, one study trained neonatal intensive care workers in hospital evacuation in two ways: VR and a live drill with mannequins. While the VR initially cost more than the live drill — $327.78 per person versus $229.79 — the VR system could be reused, gradually reducing the outlay necessary, while the live drill required the same amount, if not more, with each new iteration. The authors concluded that, after three years, the VR exercise would be the most cost-effective option, costing $115.43 per person.

Finally, VR allows for standardized, distance-based training, which frees up instructors’ schedules.

For these reasons, VR is invaluable for medical training.

VR in mental health care

According to a 2020 scoping review article in the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, Columbia University Medical Center first utilized VR headsets to treat people with psychiatric disorders in the 1970s. Using VR for mental health continued to pick up steam in 1990, when groundbreaking researchers developed a VR system to address memories of trauma, and in 1993, when another group of scientific pioneers created Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) to treat acrophobia.

Today, this kind of mental health treatment is one of the main domains in which VR therapy shines. Simulations give patients a safe, controlled way to confront their phobias and anxiety disorders. Studies show that encountering a spider, high place, or airplane in VR can be just as effective for patients as those who do so in real life. Both forms of therapy lead to positive change in the individuals’ behavior after only a few sessions and with few exceptions.

A 2019 meta-analysis has also shown that people with PTSD could benefit from VR in cases when in vivo exposure therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are not possible.

VR sessions can also benefit conventional talk therapy in numerous ways. Since this technology transcends distances, VR brings services to people who need them regardless of location. They also provide an immersive quality that helps participants feel more present with each other than in a video call, allowing them to block out distractions and focus on each other more easily, enabling therapists to connect with their patients in heartfelt, meaningful ways.

Pain management is another area where VR has proven effective.

VR for pain management

As physical therapists and other healthcare professionals know, helping patients contend with their pain is a common challenge in our jobs. VR technology is currently one of the most promising ways to manage patients’ pain without drugs like opioids, which can lead to addiction.

How does VR alleviate pain? This technology can instantly transport patients’ consciousness to calming, immersive worlds like beaches, gardens, forests, temples, or aquariums. These compelling settings distract them from their pain and provide relief from stress and anxiety.

Indeed, research has correlated VR therapy with lower levels of patients’ perceived pain and anxiety, as well as increased comfort and relaxation. In one recent study, patients who had the benefit of VR reported a decrease in pain after undergoing a medical procedure, while the control group reported an increase. Participants who experienced the VR could also get their procedures done 8.75 minutes faster. The VR group also reported being “highly likely” to use the same interventions in the future.

Notably, the distraction that VR affords has even been shown to be effective during wound care and other procedures involving acute pain. A 2022 meta-analysis found that in 83 percent of the reviewed studies, patients who used VR reported decreased pain intensity, unlike those who did not. Similarly, VR is also proving its worth in the realm of physical rehabilitation, where patients need to engage in uncomfortable repetitive exercises to regain motor skills and mobility.

Improved patient experiences mean patients become more willing to adhere to treatment plans; better compliance generally leads to better outcomes.

Another remarkable feature of VR is that individual patients can choose the simulated environment that best suits them. For example, a person who loves gardening could surround herself with flowers, while a finance executive who loves going on vacation to resorts in the Caribbean could teleport to a hammock underneath a palm tree. Whatever therapy experience the individual prefers, VR can deliver it.

Moreover, research shows that when people are empowered to make decisions about their healthcare, they tend to become more motivated and take more ownership over their healing journey. Making active choices about their therapy and seizing a measure of power over their world motivates patients, whether they are recovering from strokes, surgeries, injuries, or something else. In consequence, treatment can even become more effective.

Choosing the right VR system for your practice

While incorporating VR into healthcare practices is an exciting new way to engage with patients, several best practices should be considered during the transition.

As always, patient safety and well-being come first. Only choose VR technology and software that has been thoroughly vetted and has an established track record for providing reliable, accurate, and effective patient care. Look for solutions that have been developed for your particular kind of practice. The companies should be able to show you similar case studies from previous or current customers and discuss how their systems have benefited those practices in concrete, measurable ways.

For instance, BTS Nirvana VR offers programs specifically for patients with neurological disorders. Additionally, the Psious system from Amelia Virtual Care focuses on mental health treatment.

Similarly, Virtualis VR makes a system that helps people improve balance, motor function, cognition, and more. Oculus, Samsung, Nintendo, Microsoft, and other technology companies are also refining the use of their VR headsets for healthcare applications.

Be forewarned that purchasing equipment and software from trusted vendors will constitute a substantial capital investment. Therefore, a cost-benefit analysis is advisable to ensure the financial model is sustainable before moving forward. Maintenance and technical support costs should also be factored into the budget from the beginning.

If you conclude that your practice is too small to afford a VR system, you might want to start brainstorming ways to collaborate with other healthcare providers. Distributing the costs among a larger group of practitioners could bring this technology within reach.

Tips for incorporating VR into your healthcare practice

My number one tip for anyone considering implementing VR is to avoid rushing the transition. Making sure you and your team understand how to use the technology will take time, and that time needs to be budgeted into the typical workday. For instance, you will need to conduct hands-on training sessions to get experience with the equipment.

It will also take time to create protocols for using the technology. Since you can assume most of your patients will be new to the headsets, you’ll need to develop scripts to explain the technology and take the time to go through them. You’ll also need procedures to gain your patients’ informed consent for using VR.

Quite frankly, technical difficulties and mistakes can also be expected at first. Adding new technology is one of those times when you will need to start slowly and gradually speed up. Expecting these challenges to arise from the outset can help you weather them best and with the most grace.

It’s also advisable to adopt an attitude of continuous improvement. VR technology will continue to evolve, requiring ongoing professional development.

The future of telehealth is VR

Due to the many benefits of VR and its rapid development in recent years, medical professionals should continue to lean into this technology and explore its many applications. As healthcare professionals, we care first and foremost about patient outcomes. As VR advances, it has the potential to further enhance the patient experience and the ultimate results from their treatment.

Quite simply, VR is revolutionizing medical training and transforming patient care. That’s why VR is the future of telehealth.

— As featured in U.S. News & World Report, Lindsay Dymowski Constantino is the President of Centennial Pharmacy Services, a leading medication-at-home pharmacy, and co-founder of LTC@Home Pharmacy Companies, which supports the pharmacy and broader healthcare industries in providing long-term care pharmacy services in the home setting. With over 15 years of experience in the pharmacy field and a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Lindsay enables better health outcomes through patient-centric care and has a deep understanding of what drives successful pharmacies beyond medication dispensing. She is passionate about the future of pharmacy in healthcare and actively advances pharmacy practice through national conference presentations, media appearances, continuing education programs, and board memberships.

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