What Is Pulse Oximetry and How Does it Work

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Pulse oximetry is the process of using the pulse in your body to measure the oxygenation of different areas. This helps to show know how well blood is oxygenated, and if there are any problems with the heart or lungs. This is always something you should keep track of, but even more so due to the events in recent times.

1. How To Measure Oxygenation

Pulse oximetry is, in essence, a non-invasive test that checks the oxygen saturation levels in your blood. It used to be something you only got checked when going to the doctor, however, given the current situation, it might be a good idea to do this yourself from time to time. All you need in order to do it is to attach the device to a particular area of the body that’s the furthest away from your heart – typically a finger. The wellue o2ring review explains that in order to get an accurate reading, it’s important that the device you’re using fits like a ring. Additionally, it’s important that you conduct the test while sitting down – walking or getting winded in any way could result in false readings. Besides that, it would be a good idea to measure your saturation levels throughout the day, in order to get the full picture.

2. Saturation Levels

Your saturation levels can depend on several factors – something that’s normal for one person might be so for another. As a general rule, a saturation level that’s 95% and up is considered normal, however, getting a 95% may already be an indication that there’s an issue. If you’re feeling unwell, and your saturation is at the lower end of the range, you might want to consider going to the doctor. Of course, anything lower than that is a cause for concern and something you definitely want to get checked out. It’s important to mention, though, that if you already have an existing condition, you might constantly have a lower saturation level. If this is the case, you should consult with a doctor about which levels should be considered “normal” for you.

3. Why Is It Important?

The saturation levels in the blood tell you a lot about how well your heart and lungs are functioning. If you notice any changes at all, it’s important to get checked out. Low blood oxygen levels can indicate pneumonia, anemia, heart failure, bronchiolitis, or asthma. If you have the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) there’s a very good chance that your saturation levels will be lower than normal all of the time. Even if it turns out that nothing is wrong, keep checking from time to time – especially when something noticeable happens during your daily routine. The readings will help you figure out what’s normal for you, and will allow you to spot any deviations that might be dangerous.

4. The Pulse

The reason why pulse oximetry came about is because of the pulse. After lots of research, the doctors realized that a person’s pulse is a great way to determine how well the bodies’ different areas are working. If your blood isn’t flowing through your body properly, there will be less of it going through each part – including the arterial area closest to the heart. This makes it much more difficult to get a good reading from what should immediately be the cleanest part of your circulatory system.

By using a pulse oximeter, you can get an accurate reading of what’s happening to the arterial area closest to the heart. Just like oxygen saturation levels can indicate something might be wrong, an abnormal pulse can also be a sign that something’s amiss. Again, if you’ve done anything strenuous before doing the test, the reading probably won’t be accurate, so it’s important to stay seated until the results are in.

Pulse oximetry is a great way to keep track of your health. Keeping track of your pulse oximetry levels can help you know what healthy oxygen saturation looks like for you, and will allow you to identify whenever something is wrong with your heart or lung functions.

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