You Should Know the Following 3 Things About Dog Parasites

Medical Device News Magazine
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  1. Exactly what is an external parasite?

External parasites reside outside of the body and feed off the resources their hosts provide. External parasites may carry and transmit diseases and internal parasites that can cause more severe, sometimes life-threatening illnesses in dogs, while others may merely cause dogs to endure minor skin problems. Although external parasites are often found outside, it is feasible for them to penetrate your house and primarily afflict indoor dogs. Parasites may enter your house via open windows and doors, or they might follow your dog from his regular stroll around the block. External parasites can infect not only you or other family members but also other pets in your home, leading to severe infestations.

  1. There are three parasites: fleas, ticks, and ear mites.


On your dog’s skin, these obnoxious organisms are simple to see. They are brown, flat, and continuously hop from one hair to the next for those who haven’t yet had to deal with these tiny pests on a beloved pet. If you give them a chance, they could even turn on you. They are particularly noticeable in the scanty hair on your dog’s belly, at the base of its tail, or the top of its noggin. You will undoubtedly detect the black specks of flea feces even if you don’t see the real bug. The necessity to treat the dog’s surroundings, however, is what indeed complicates matters since there may be flea eggs nearby that may soon develop into adult fleas. The cycle then repeats itself. It could be necessary to hire a professional exterminator or even pest bombs. Flea treatment should be started as soon as any symptoms are seen since some dogs may have adverse responses to flea saliva, such as severe skin irritation. Dogs with flea allergies will often need medicine to treat the skin response.


These creatures are primarily present in the early spring and are somewhat seasonal. The most vulnerable dogs to a tick infection are those that spend a lot of time outside playing in the bushes, open fields, or forested areas. Ticks may spread life-threatening conditions like Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Lyme disease, depending on the species. Do not forget that ticks only spread diseases that are truly brought on by bacteria found in the saliva of ticks. Your best chance is to thoroughly check your dog after each excursion into the open countryside. A resultant illness is challenging to treat, has a low success rate, and may leave your dog permanently disabled. If a tick is found on your dog, gently grip it close to its head with tweezers and remove it from the skin with a quick, firm tug. As a starting point, stay away from chemicals. However, use isopropyl alcohol to scrub down the area to sanitize it.

Ear mites

These dog ear mites create tunnels under the epidermis of the dog ear canal causing ear infections. They are readily spread from dog to dog and may just be seen by the naked eye due to black material in the ears. Constant scratching and head shaking are indicators of a severe ear infestation. A subsequent bacterial ear infection might develop if the condition is not addressed. Cleaning the ear and providing medicines that kill mites are required for treatment. All other domestic animals should be treated as well. Pets infested with ear mites like Otodectes cynotis rarely cause humans to develop itchy rashes. It is best not to let these mites spread to your bedding and furniture, where they can attach themselves to you or return to your pets.

  1. External parasites: how to get rid of them?

Your veterinarian will recommend a course of therapy based on the kind of parasite, how highly contagious the external parasite is and where it is located on your dog (on or under the skin, ear infection, etc.). It is common to use topical medications, including creams, gels, sprays, shampoos, and lotions. Oral pills, ear drops, and flea collars are further typical treatment options. If your dog is affected, you may need to treat additional animals and household objects to eliminate any surviving bugs and stop the infection from spreading especially for highly contagious parasites. The probable locations that would require treatment include furniture, linens, carpets, and beds.


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